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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Just started on EOS this week after running Manjaro a few years back and then running Debian derivatives for a few years. I really like it, everything has been so smooth (well, other than some minor issues with upgrading to Plasma 6 yesterday I suppose, but that’s not in EOS I suppose). I was a little bit lazy about learning the ins and outs of pacman and yay, but I immediately found pacseek, which has been a pretty nice TUI package manager

  • Yup… I have made so many little bash scripts to do tweaks or customize new Linux installs for me using ChatGPT. I mean, I have coding experience (.NET, not much with bash) and could muddle through learning bash better and making those, but this is quicker and allows me to learn in the process by asking follow up questions about syntax and core Linux concepts.

  • My experience since I began using Linux full time for my main desktop, chronologically: Manjaro, Kubuntu, Debian stable, Debian testing, endeavourOS. Started EOS a week ago and I was shocked by how well everything worked out of the box. A bunch of things I had to tweak and fix before, like messing with NVIDIA drivers among other things, just worked perfectly out of the box. I tried it on a lark after borking something on my Debian system, kinda reluctantly since I had already made a massive script for customizing my Debian based KDE installs, but in the end I didn’t even feel like I needed it because it all just worked fine without all my scripted workarounds for everything. Really impressed. I just got the plasma 6 update a couple of hours ago and it’s mostly fine, dealing with a couple of issues before deciding whether I hit that timeshift restore and wait some more