defusing bombs in VR
Someone has a virtual copy of “Keep talking and nobody explodes” and a Quest headset and by jobe they are going to use it.
defusing bombs in VR
Someone has a virtual copy of “Keep talking and nobody explodes” and a Quest headset and by jobe they are going to use it.
If you can use AI in a way that people at the AI company can’t tell that you used AI, then they need you working at that AI company.
Sues. Lawyers do discovery. Tencent refuses. Court fines Tencent in contempt, rules in favor of the government. Tencent tries to bribe Trump with something.
I feel like in a post-global pandemic world, where we have AIs that can pass the Turing test, VR world’s where we can do global virtual raves, and if one cobbles enough cutting edge tech together one can say “earl Grey, hot” and a 3d printer can print up a model of a tea cup… I think scifi writers have to come up with what is NEXT.
No more “Oh this logical robot which can either be a metaphor for autism or enslaved people want to be free and human”. Give us projections on our current technology and social evolution. Shows set in the year 2200 shouldn’t just be dealing with the emergence of AI and still have only straight nuclear families.
I can understand “not doing things” like censoring anti-LGBT stuff, because that cost money. But this COST money to change.
The one time the conservative vote got split and let the liberals into power without a majority of the vote (instead of the reverse) and he thinks it is an emergency and an injustice worthy of bringing back monarchy powers…
Just tough it out for 5 years like the rest of the world is going to do with Trump.
deleted by creator
Manager: Before we put these models into something that can implement code, we should test what it would do.
LLM: Tries to do bad things, but it can’t because that functionality hasn’t been implemented
Researchers: We found it doing bad things. Perhaps fix that before function implementation
This thread: The researchers are lying! It didn’t do bad things because it can’t! That isn’t implemented!
Manager: Yes… hence the test.
Wait, I came here to make a joke that he had the same name as the former Lib Dem leader… it actually is him?
Authentication for my work email: Enter 28 character password, receive sms, enter message, log in
Authentication for my Battle.net account:
-Enter email made before 2000 because they don’t let you change email
-Enter password
-Get rejected
-Try backup passwords, get rejected
-Request new password
-Send request to 24 year old email
-Try to log on to 24 year old email, email is suspicious and sends Authentication request to my newer email
-Open newer email, Authenticate older email
-open old email, Put in code to battle.net
-Battle.net requests Authenticator code from Battle.net app
-Open battle.net app (no requests)
-Try manual code, doesn’t work
-Try to connect Battle.net app Authenticator to account
-Realize you cannot connect Authenticator without signing in AND signing in requires Authenticator
-Close Battle.net app
-Open Blizzard Authenticator
-Close warning that this app got depreciated in January
-Enter manual code
-it works
-Attempt to change password to password I first attempted
-Won’t let me use same password
-Try logging in using that password
-Still doesn’t work - Solve one more CAPTCHA
-Change password to backup password and back to original password - have to solve 2 more Captchas
-Finally works
-Log in
Let the charter schools try this first. Eventually something like this will be integrated into common education, but the first attempts are guaranteed to be disasters. Let those fall on 1/4 of learning time of a small subset of Arizonian charter school students and not “all California public school students” or the like.
I once was driving through a radio dead spot in AZ and the only broadcast I could find was some hyper-religious preacher complaining about things. I still remember the line “Today’s youth think that if something is consensual it can’t be bad.”
I remember thinking, yep, that about sums it up.
I had a bunch of roofers hammering nails in with hammers.
I bought a bunch of nail guns and then fired all the roofers. Now less roofing is being done! It is the end to the Era of nail guns! Everyone should just go back to hammers.
Wait, since when does the speed increase go up to 3x?
repurposing the Engineering Entrepreneurs Program meeting space.
It is 2024, everyone has zoom. It is a room that engineers can meet in and some dumb admin wanted to turn it into a commuter’s lounge or a decoration storage space. Just let the man keep his little meeting space! It is hard enough getting engineers to meet in person these days, no need to make it harder.
I went to Comicon one year, thinking it would be amazing. It was just a swag den and a 10 hour line to see Stan Lee.
It was then I realized that San Diego Comicon doesn’t move around to different cities and “Comicon” is just a name cons take.
I got a sentence in the top 4: “Good. Time. Watching. Porn.”
MTG: “Isn’t everyone in congress raping children?”
Shareholders can sue if the board doesn’t do the thing that will maximize shareholder value. Probably the basic underlying problem with companies that sell stock.