• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • The country where I was born and raised is 900 years old. This implies a lit of history, both good and bad.

    The country was literally started because our first king decided he wasn’t going to allow his mother and her lover to steal his father’s lands. After that, the Pope demanded our country to pay the church a huge sum in order to be recognized, the king said “we’ll eventually come to that” and never payed. We were taken over by our neighbouring country at some point because of blood ties and after 75 years we just said “enough is enough, these guys are getting housted”. We fought Napoleon. We had a bloody civil war. Somewhere inbetween all of this we decided “Let’s build a lot of boats and see where we can go.” because the price of spices was to damn high. And more recently we got out of bed for a morning, threw down a fascist dictatorship, and went back to our quiet life. Nobody cares or notices us but yet we have one of the most powerful passports in the world.

    But why all of this boasting?

    It’s cool to have all this history and background. But I don’t owe my country nothing. I owe who I am to my family and friends and I owe to the future generations to remember where we come from and teach them the same I learned by myself: we are our country. We decide what we stand for and we represent the values we want to spread.

    The government of your land may be corrupt today but it does not have or needs to represent you. And by refusing that, you put up your own resistance. No matter how small, that is resistance. And if you feel your flag needs to be reclaimed, put it upside down.

    Stay strong, OP.

  • Go shopping. Enough to last for a couple of months. Bring some water, as well. Buy some lumber to reinforce the doors. A few steel panels to close off a few strategic places. Raid the library.

    Wait a month and allow flies and the weather do their thing.

    See the not-so-dead fall apart.

    After I stop seeing movement for three straight days, start blasting noise on a high visibility location from my location and wait to see what crawls out.

    By this time, I risk two months have already elapsed.

    Go out, with a shovel and an axe.

    Dig a large pit, fill it with fire wood. Lay down a few of the corpses. Stack it as high as I can make it. Cover with more fire wood.

    Syphon some diesel from a random car.

    Light it up!

    Rinse, repeat, until all the corpses I can find are disposed of, grouping together all the survivors I come across.

    Start over.

  • I sincerely hate snow. It’s boring. It’s white. The sun reflecting off it can burn your retinas. It’s wet. You have to wear your entire wardrobe, at the same time, and still be cold. It sticks to your face. It piles too high, you have to shovel it, just to start again, when you’re just done.

    But for this?

    Get me a sled, a team of dogs and a club. I’m more than willing to go to Greenland and stand against the american invader to defend my fellow european.

    Can I get to sample that weird cured shark while I’m there? Or am I getting my references mixed up?