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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Accepted isn’t the right word. I think consumers “voting with their feet” just isn’t that relevant when it comes to these issues. This model of thinking works when it’s about the product offering. Bad product? Too expensive? Demand dwindles.

    But the issue doesn’t directly impact the product offering, consumers won’t “vote with their feet” in significant numbers. Worker exploitation? People will still buy cheaper clothes. Oil money dictatorships? Cheap luxury airlines. Privacy invasion? But all my friends are on there. I could go on.

    The self-correcting market model is flawed. For these issues, strong government intervention is needed. It’s possible that a competitor comes along and they’re able to capture the market, but that will only happen with a superior product offering. But not because of different TOS or whatever people don’t consider part of what they’re buying.

  • AI is a crapshoot, agree. But there has to be more testing before PR disasters like this happen. That isn’t “being my suppliers beta test”, rather sensible project managers not mindlessly putting it out there because the supplier said it worked. Now people are laughing at McDonald’s on top of their cost saving operations being delayed. But I agree overall that AI sucks to replace humans. I’m just criticizing McDonald’s jumping the gun

  • What the hell are you talking about? The comparison is between the US college protest being like the Vietnam protest, not between the conflicts in Vietnam and Gaza which are nothing alike. This is a politically coming of age of a new generation of protesters, and the political establishment dug themselves into a position that these protesters will never accept. This may be Biden’s downfall because there’s no chance he’ll give up his full support of Israel and the occupation.

  • Ask stupid question, get stupid answer 🤷‍♂️

    Ballot secrecy only works if everyone is convinced their votes are secret and they won’t be punished for a “wrong” vote. It doesn’t matter if they can’t or won’t punish you, what matters is that people are afraid to cast an honest vote. Thus the vote is compromised, regardless of the mechanics of elections in a dictatorship.

    It’s all a sham, it doesn’t make one iota of difference what’s on that piece of paper in a transparent box. That soldier is what this whole scene is about. That’s not a circlejerk, it’s being able to distinguish important from unimportant. You’re seeing straight up voter intimidation and your response is “I wonder if this is the actual ballot or an attendance sheet” lol