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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • This is all your fault.

    And if Trump is elected, it will be your fault. Then you can have even more indiscriminate murdering of Palestinian civilians, plus the gutting of our entire federal government, the end of federal protections for workers, the environment, and protected classes, and a couple more Christian Nationalist Supreme Court justices to further erode your rights.

    This election is not like 2012, 2008, 2004, or 2000, when protest votes mattered and happened but both major party candidates respected the rule of law. Hell, I voted for Ralph Nader. This is not the same my friend. Donald Trump must be kept out of office.

  • I’m voting blue no matter who when the opponent is a Republican every damn time. I also don’t support the police actions against protesters, am against the US’s ongoing support for Israel, and want the genocide to stop. I’m still voting for Biden and every Democrat up and down my ballot in November. I’ve got another chance to vote for more progressive candidates when the next primary happens, but until then I’ve got a ton of progressive candidates in local races on my ballot this November and Biden being in the White House is better in literally every way than Trump being there.