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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Yeah this doesn’t bother me. And I tend to be a somewhat paranoid person. But I got convinced to do one of these by my partner. And so far, no regrets. They had some family surprises, but they don’t regret it either. If they make some cool new meds with my DNA (honestly even if I have only the knowledge that they made meds from 23andme) I’m just going to go around saying hey that might have my DNA in it.

    Just wait until you guys find out what they’re really doing is cloning us all to replace us with mindless worker drones. I accidentally met mine. They were nice. Bought me a coffee. Then I got real sleepy and woke up half buried in the woods. Real strange day.

  • She literally said they only invaded because they had a gun to their head and the response was relatively moderate. You said she is talking about western foreign policy. I built no straw man. You both just said that shit. No one pointed shit at Russia. Russia didn’t like the new government in Ukraine. Took over crimea. Trump was in office so the response was meh. So then Putin went for round 2. And she said it was in response to being threatened. And was a moderate response.

    Why don’t you take your tankie ass to Ukraine and see the moderate response first hand.

  • There is a fucking chasm wider than the grand canyon between being left on the political spectrum and being a stalin apologist. And pretending that third parties in the US elections format don’t act as spoilers and that is a liberal myth is either (a) just being really fucking stupid or (b) some tankie bullshit made by a person living in lala land.

    See, I’m complex enough to acknowledge that the democrats kind of suck overall, having multiple parties would be better, but also accepting that given how the current system functions things can absolutely be worse if Trump wins again. Let us not forget that last time Stein implicitly supported Trump saying she like he won’t be able to get anything done but Hillary is efficient and will likely make things worse. Stein is fully capable of pulling just enough votes that Trump could win. And last time that ended Roe v Wade. This time, say buh bye to assistance for Ukraine. He wanted to fuck up NATO before. I’m sure that’d be real high priority now.

    The perfect is the enemy of the good. This is not how I’d like the world to be. But there is no magic wand and you can’t just pretend things are totally different and think that has an effect.

  • So basically any time a group of politicians decide they don’t like the laws then they don’t have to follow them and can do whatever they want? Big Trump supporter huh?

    And there is an entire legal process for which those politicians could have had a legal referendum. They just decided that was too hard.

    It is a complicated issue, because forming a functioning society is a complicated process. And Catalunya has entered into agreements from which they can’t just act like little Timmy on the playground and say it didn’t count because it was reverse day when he said it.

    And again. I don’t have strong feelings about the amnesty other than the external problems it could cause like an ultra right government coming into power next election. I don’t even have major feelings about whether they should be allowed to leave. I do think it would be disastrous for them. They would essentially become a landlocked country, outside of the EU, lose freedom of movement to anywhere but Andorra probably, just holding the illegal referendum caused them to lose so much business and for what purpose?

    This isn’t the same as the issues in Basque country that predated the EU. It isn’t Ireland. This is much closer to Brexit where a minority of politicians are pushing an ideology of Us vs Them. And I’m aware that there are legitimate complaints that Catalunya has. But there are much easier and more practical ways of trying to fix those complaints.

    What’s happening here is more similar to Milton county Georgia begging to be annexed by Fulton county (Atlanta) when they were broke, but now that things are good they want to leave and no longer be part of a system that has certainly benefitted them in many ways.

    You are being an ideologue. You should give pragmatism a try.

  • It’s really a complicated issue. They broke the law. They knew they were breaking the law. As far as democracy goes, there is a legal path for them to take but it is a much higher bar (similar to the bar of adding an amendment to the constitution). They chose not to. They were warned. Now they are being held accountable. That being said, the heavy hand that the national government used also made things worse.

    This amnesty isn’t for the average separatist. It is for the politicians who broke constitutional laws. I live in another region of Spain and hold no strong feelings about the amnesty either way. My biggest worry is how the whole thing plays out and if it gives vox(super right wing party) a boost within the national politics. We are a literally just like 3 parliamentary seats from having them hold massive sway over the government here.

    Honestly this whole country, Catalunya included, would be better off if all that shit hadn’t happened. For them it would’ve been worse than Brexit. Regardless of what they think. And once it happened, it certainly gave a rallying cry for Vox and their ultranationalism.

    I also really want this current government to stay in so they can maybe spend another four years trying to fix that bullshit gag law that they failed to do this term. I am not a fan of PP and I cannot imagine the damage they will do when they are held hostage by Vox.