If i summon baguettes out of fat air do they come buttered?
If i summon baguettes out of fat air do they come buttered?
Non alcoholic vegan Jesus lools down upon you.
Breadbane the Yeastman always rises!
This look feels like the opening sequences of Dazed & Confused.
Wait until Big Tech buys those nuclear reactors.
Does it require a sensor? Do they wear a fleshlight to bed? Is it camera based?
So many questions.
Also, theDailyBeast reporting on morning wood is quality humor from the matrix.
Is Elongpork on the board of directors or something?
Xhamster slides in undetected…
The DoD will pay its fines 500#s at a time.
Reality keeps sliding into absurdity rendering satire mute.
And remember the attempt to abandon AM radio as a standard for diseminating emergency information.
USA checking in.
Just bought a new USB-C charging beard trimmer on clearance.
Feels good, man.
Thamks if EU helped.
Ooh the rape vs murder debate is upom us.
Lets find out who the good guys are!
So they stand for their beliefs … on a pile of dead children.
Message recieved.
The hitlerios keep on comin.
What would we do when these happen? What could we do in the moment to change anything?
Join an eventual class action?
Denial of marital rights will be grounds enough.
Elong Pork