Moved from @pingveno

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • America has always had racism, but America has never been a racist country

    Iā€™m really quite stunned by this claim. She seems to be parsing words to dodge reality. The US wrote slavery into its Constitution, engaged in a series of racist genocides of the indigenous people, and excluded immigrants of various ethnicities throughout its history. Weā€™ve certainly improved, but to say weā€™ve never been governed by racism is either ignorant, revisionist, or pandering to some of the worst people.

  • This is the case I try to make to people on the left who complain about corporate white washing, or whatever they want to call it. Mainstream corporations feel like itā€™s advantageous to have their symbols out there in pride parades, environmentalist goals, anti-racism, and anti-sexism. Corporations are obligated at a certain level to follow the money, and they have read the signs and chosen to align themselves with these progressive causes. If nothing else, this is a good sign of where the country is headed.

  • The problem with doing that is that people then get more hesitant about putting money into a country. Would you invest in a country if thereā€™s a good chance its leadership is just going to do an about face and tax your wealth into nothing? Take your possessions? Itā€™s part of the reason why many countries struggle to get foreign investment. Their past has caused businesses to have little faith that investments wonā€™t just get nationalized by the government.

  • Thatā€™s going to have to be part of it, but it canā€™t be all of it. There isnā€™t enough money in the upper class to take care of all of the debt, and at a certain level of taxation they will just move. I will speak in favor of increasing taxes on around pretty much every individual making over 100k or couple making over 200k. For a single person working 40 hours a week in the US, that is the 77th percentile. My husband and I are in this position and I think starting the additional tax burden with us would be fair.

    I donā€™t see raising taxes much below us as being very productive, and those ā€œflat taxā€ people can fuck right off. That group is already paying money into entitlements so the oft repeated statement that half of households pay no income tax is misleading. Theyā€™re really struggling right now, so I just donā€™t see an increase in taxes as productive.

  • I wonder if this will still be true for Democrats when the shoe is on the other foot. They were held together by Pelosiā€™s skilled hand for twelve years. I think the fundamentals are strong for the Democrats. They care a lot about good governance principles. Ultimately, I think that will keep everyone on the same page. I donā€™t see any part of the party willing to rock the boat.

    Where I am starting to get worried is with the national debt. The US, China, and many other governments are going to run into both debt issues and an aging population. That will force a reckoning at some point on entitlement spending, which is very popular.