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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Just to everyone saying it’s a lenient sentence: The guys fucked anyway. He lost all his retirement fund and very likely a lot of personal money (/everything) as the police can charge him for some of their costs and lawyers and shit are expensive.

    He will have to pay for his own private health insurance when back out and is not eligible for public insurance anymore. And he is ineligible for a lot of jobs as he won’t pass the most basic background checks, he won’t even be allowed to drive a school bus until he is at an age that he needs to retire anyway. Even amazon will not hire him.

    Basically he fucked his whole life over. For what? For things the Russian intelligence services very likely already knew.

    (And no, tbh, I feel no pitty for him. I am all for resocialisation, but this way intentionally and beyond stupid)

  • The system does exactly that - But that is done automatically without intervention.

    The system recognises by checking on our devices and the presence detectors if we are at home. If we aren’t it reduces the temperature.* Then it looks into our calendars when we can be expected to be back and increases the temperature accordingly (additionally once we enter a certain Geofence).

    *:The overall heating effort is also based on the current and expected weather and sun-influx,as I have some rooms that basically heat themselves when the sun is out. The system is using that effort to adjust shades (e.g. it would allow a lower living room temperature in the morning after we left when it knows that there will likely be a sunny afternoon heating the room without the need to add external heat)

    This is what I mean with smart: A smart system is only smart if the user doesn’t have to fiddle around with it. Everything else is a remote.

    (My next goal is to add personalised heating. I want the system to recognise who is/comes home and adjust the temperature accordingly as my wife wants other temperatures as I do. O can do it room based, e.g. the kid’s room is adjusted according to the kid being there, but overall I am not quite there yet)

  • No,it isn’t. But no open and local solution will be - but you pay for that in terms of long term usability, resilience and data. It’s a choice a mature customer needs to make. Be cloud and manufacturer reliant,invest the time to do it properly or pay someone to do it.

    And KNX.org works for me(even tried it with a VPN to be sure) - and do you really think that a standard that is supported by the largest companies in the field(Siemens, ABB, Bosch, Schneider, etc.) and has multi-billion of installations in professional buildings alone per year is not for the long term?

  • The thing is: The standard itself is rather well designed and didn’t need too much updates (they just extended the possible packet contents in terms of possible parameters - which technically isn’t that necessary as you can fall back to ASCI).

    The last major updates were more towards extending functions (KNX over RF), connecting locations via IP tunnel, and securing the packets themselves (which is not really necessary for single household installations but VERY much for multi tennant installations).

    The major strength of KNX is the bus packet system itself - as the packets are standardized there are only a few attack avenues. An attacker could flood the bus with packets, try to update with fraudulent code (if none did put a password on it) or try to put fraudulent content in a module that accepts ASCI packets. The problem is the access - the attacker would need physical access or the IP gateway (if existing)would need to be unsecured towards the internet… In the end it is a fairly resilient piece of software.

  • Haha, no. But I know someone who was part of the OpenTherm development.

    To quote him:

    OpenTherm exists because Plumbers don’t trust Sparkys and Sparkys don’t trust plumbers.

    OpenTherm is easy to install but “stupid” as hell and not adaptable to modern needs mostly, especially if you consider modern heating concepts like passively heated houses, heat pumps,etc.

    That’s different from KNX (or Modbus in that regard) - They are much broader in their appeal. Singule use/walled garden systems are always a bad idea,imho.

  • That’s why one uses an industry standard that is brand-independent,operates offline by design and does not require a central component besides a power supply.

    Sounds like utopia?

    This standard has been available since 1990 in its archaic form, since 2002 in its current form. It is downwards compatible and over 400 companies worldwide are part of the standard. HomeAssistant, ioBroker, openHAB,etc. all support it directly and there are multiple crossover gateways with other standards like DMX, ModBus, Dali,etc. exist. And no, it’s components are not more expensive once you look at the TCO.

    For fucks sake, people, use KNX.

    (PS: There are even a few open-source/DIY components available)

  • I am all for cannabis legalisation, and have fought for it for years,even though I don’t like to consume it (only makes me sick…)

    BUT: I have been a medic on the Oktoberfest for a decade and while these times are long gone, I absolutely support the ban there.

    Here’s why: First Alcohol and THC do not mix well. At all. In more than 20 years of emergency medicine I saw two THC overdoses - which were easy to handle. But high dose alcohol AND THC is a massive problem and will lead to people getting admitted to ICU for monitoring purpose as it is beyond what the (very advanced) medical services at the Oktoberfest can handle themselves. And ICU beds are in absolute short supply. So while alcohol is a problem and I wish the local government would put more pressure on the waiters to force them to refuse to deliver “the final Maß”(last beer) that pushes people over the edge, my former colleagues can easily handle that. But mixed-agent intoxication is a totally different beast. Don’t get me wrong, Alcohol will be the main nox in these cases - but the combination is the problem.

    Furthermore the Oktoberfest is crowded as hell. And there is literally zero chance that one is able to smoke without interfering with someone else - staff, other visitors, etc. And just like nicotine letting someone else co-consume without asking them for approval is inconsiderate as fuck - especially as there are drugs that do not mix well with THC, even more so even alcohol comes into play.

  • The whole article(and/or the study) does not mention the cost of the current split(border,trade barriers-especially after Brexit, etc.) and how that affects both Irelands daily. And it neither talks about the EU funding Ireland would get for dealing with Northern Ireland - which would be substantial. Based on pre Brexit spending it would be around 5 billion per year, probably more. And it’s very likely that Ireland would be able to leverage a “development program” for additional subsidies from the EU after unification.

    The UK is basically alone now-Ireland wouldn’t be alone with a reunification.