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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • There’s a large swath of what Gene Wilder might call “the common clay of the new west” who vote purely on who can appear to be the toughest. It’s like some pack behavior of exerting dominance that you’d see in animals.

    Uneducated, usually rural people who like Trump because “he tells it like it is” or “he’s a boss who knows how to lead”, when in reality he just constantly makes shit up and runs his businesses into the ground.

    I think these people will see Biden’s remarks and Trump getting upset at them and view it as a sign that Biden is “tougher” than Trump. Which is dumb, but if it means a more progressive government and avoiding the regression under Trunk I’ll take it.

  • I’m not a copyright expert either, but I would think it goes one of two ways.

    One is that the original rights holder of the IP could sue these binders for profiting off of it.

    The other is that they can’t because the work is sufficiently transformative, in which case it would fall to he fanfic writer. From there, it probably depends on how they released their work. Some websites might claim ownership of anything published there as part of their ToS. Some authors might explicitly release their works under more open licenses to encourage community involvement. If it was just posted somewhere without addressing these questions (which I would guess is pretty common)… Sounds like a mess for the courts to sort out.

  • Oh yes of course that all makes sense, but it’s also all just speculation. The Dems have not dominated yet. In more than the 3 decades I’ve been alive, the Dems have only had a filibuster-proof majority of Congress, plus the presidency, for a handful of months.

    I’ve seen them win the popular vote and lose the presidency twice.

    I hope the Dems do dominate and shift the Overton window left. But I think we also need to be careful about the expectations and narratives carried online. Fascists love to spread the lie that the Dems have been in control for decades and accomplished nothing. So saying Dems have dominated elections when they haven’t (at least not nationally) is dangerous.

  • I would totally be open to someone other than Biden running… If the DNC (or any party) had actually started promoting and positioning anyone good 2-3 years ago.

    It’s too late now. Biden is the guy.

    And all the people on the Internet I see whining about how they don’t like the choices available: if you actually want to do anything productive instead of just bitching you need to do the work in advance. Get involved with political organizations, campaigns, etc.

    Even looking further ahead to he 2028 elections (assuming the US is still having elections)… Who is the DNC planning on running? Harris is cop who doesn’t excite anyone. AOC is probably too polarizing to get moderate support, and is probably move valuable in Congress right now. Newsome maybe? I hate to throw out celebrities, but it’s happened enough that it’s possible and John Stewart seems like he might just go for it. Heck, even he is 62 right now, so he’d be 66 if he ran in 2028, and 67 by inauguration day.

  • This is an article discussing things Biden’s administration have accomplished during his term.

    The GOP equivalent is shit like “the Democrats will take your guns” or “millions of brown people are threatening to invade the southern border”.

    Ideally, the constituency would pay attention to the things the government does all the time and remember that when it comes to elections. But no one fucking does, so the public needs articles to remind them. Even if only like 30% of eligible voters end up voting.

    This is exactly the kind of article that I would expect in the election year of a functioning democracy. The Republicans should be touting their own accomplishments too. Like Republican Chip Roy has been doing.

  • I said “distanced”. I never said he’s never used that word ever.

    Looking back at the original link I posted, you can see the reality of the situation. His main sponsored bills are primarily focused on Agriculture. This publication grants his voting record an “ideology” score right in the middle of the Democratic party. He’s not the face of Medicare for All or UBI or the Green New Deal. He’s an ally to “progressives” and shares a lot of stances with them, but deviates in some areas like supporting fracking. So depending on the context he might pccasionally get called one or refer to himself as one because that’s the easier sound bite than digging into the details.

    If saying that he doesn’t consider himself a “progressive” is going to help middle aged working class men vote in their own best interests for a change, i don’t really care. The words we use to describe politicians change almost every election cycle.

    Pointing out whether he calls himself a progressive or not is just as meaningless as pointing out that Lincoln was a Republican and the Democrats were pro-slavery in the 1800’s. Or like saying the Nazi’s were socialists because of their name.

  • Did he ever express a Pro-Palestinian or anti-Israeli stance to try to get elected?

    Are there any actual issues where you’ve identified his stance flipping?

    I really don’t care if he or anyone else wants to call him “progressive” or not. That’s just political branding. Politicians and media throw out words all the time without knowing or caring about what they actually mean, and those meaning drift over time. Tons of America uses the term “liberal” to mean “left”. The word “socialism” has completely lost all meaning. “Conservative” politics nowadays involves a ton of government spending and deficits.

    I’m not just blindly defending him. He’s never been a perfect candidate, I don’t agree with all of his stances, and definitely not his stance on Israel. I also don’t like that he supports fracking. I’m just calling out what is clearly just a badly done hit piece.

    Abortion right, minimum wage, LGBTQ+ protections, criminal justice reform, taxing the rich, increased social programs, election reform, supreme Court reform, environmental protections, and tons of other issues I mostly agree with him on, and when given the opportunity to vote on it he’s been consistent.

    Joe Biden branded himself as a moderate and has effectively been the most progressive president in decades. Definitely since Carter, debatable even further back. Once again I don’t agree with some of his stances: Israel and the rest of the Middle East, his handling of the rail workers strike, and more.

    Attacking the politicians I mostly agree with to try to get that 1% extra agreement seems like pointless in-fighting when you have other politicians trying to push white Christian nationalism.

  • Queue all the people in the comments talking about ad blockers or alternative apps.

    Those might be great (and ad blocking is important in general), but I’ve found I ultimately just watch YouTube less.

    A good chunk of my favorite creators had been pushing Nebula for the past couple years, so I finally tried it out and it’s pretty decent. I’ve even found new channels there that would have been buried on YouTube. Still tons of room for improvement for the platform, but it’s functional now.

    Other creators have their own websites with text content, or podcasts hosted elsewhere.

    It’s only a small handful of channels I check for on YouTube anymore. It kind of sucks that it’s mostly small channels where video is a key component and they don’t fit with the edu-tainment vibe of Nebula, and I don’t know of another platform for them. Lots of DIY home improvement, self-sufficiency (not religious or conspiratorial lol), music videos, and channels dedicated to specific videogame franchises.

    I know LTT has Floatplane too. I wonder if all of these other videos streaming options getting worse will start driving more people to smaller platforms.

  • Except it’s not private money. Private vehicles have been heavily subsidized for almost a century in the US. We’ve had decade after decades or tax credits, interest-free loans, and bailouts to the oil and automotive industries. Most local road maintenance is financed with debt, and that debt has started to bankrupt municipalities. Minimum parking requirements encourage sprawl and reduce the tax base by filling these municipalities with land that is economically unproductive.

    This all applies to electric too. Tesla famously would not exist if not for years and years of government money propping them up and artificially lowering their prices. Plus all the incentives for building owners to add charging stations, and the billions of dollars going towards expanding EV charging infrastructure in general.

    And if you want to optimize for efficiency, personal EV’s are still not even close to buses or trains. Personal vehicle ownership absolutely does NOT make economic sense for anyone except the owners and managers of the companies who profit from them.

    American suburbs aren’t ever going to become walkable if everyone just keeps saying “well it’s just too hard to have nice things” and keeps throwing money at perpetuating the problem instead of using that money to get out of the hole.