Those computers has less memory than a dollar store calculator. The bits in memory were physical magnets woven by hand into a mesh. It’s insane that it left our planet and came back with people alive.
Those computers has less memory than a dollar store calculator. The bits in memory were physical magnets woven by hand into a mesh. It’s insane that it left our planet and came back with people alive.
Rosebud for money in the Sims
Yeah, you can build a 1440p native/4k upscale build for like $1000 if not less. I don’t understand what the demand for these cards is. What games benefit?
Same here. One is the best made TV boxes period.
One of my favorites: https://youtu.be/_m2X3uuayKg
Jared 832N County. Sexy
Column A, Column B, take your pick.
Just took a look at Friendica for the first time last night. It’s wild how something as simple as proper post formatting and wide open attachment options are enough to make me wish all my friends were on it. Way more personal feeling.
I think one of these style games would make for a great slow-burn tv series.
I’ve been making more music than I usually do lately. Here’s my most recent track: https://on.soundcloud.com/zNnZQUjdG2V4H3Hz8
Spy Kids 4D
I unironically really want to see Seth McFarlane do more comedies like this one. It was a blast all the way through.
I recently went to a live event at night and I noticed how many people didn’t take the time to wipe their lens to avoid giant streaks in the image.
I have a theory that social media makes it hard to put time into just about anything that you might consider art. You get a constant feed of the best quality art that the internet has to offer, so when you do take the extra minute or two to figure out your settings, wipe their lens, and actually try and take a good picture, the chance of taking a good picture is still pretty low because phones still just aren’t that good at taking pictures.
I brought my DSLR to the event and even with the much larger lens, getting enough light was pretty tough. The few pictures I did take on my phone just didn’t really have a good sense of scale due to the lens’s fixed focal length. Don’t even get me started on aspect ratio.
If you spend those few extra minutes and it still doesn’t look like what your friends are posting to their social media because they’re loading it with filters, why not join the crowd and do exactly that. Put in zero effort and let the filter fill in the gap of making it look interesting, even if it doesn’t look good.
What you did do is show all your friends that you did something interesting, which a few hundred to ten thousand or so people might see that for a couple of second before scrolling into the next 400 things they’ll see that day in their feed.
Okami just had its sequel teased after about 15 20 years. I’m excited to see what they do with it.
edit: 2006 was not 20 years ago! :(
Just Cause 3. Just a total blast to go swooping around in the wingsuit and blowing up bases.
Same as my username here. I don’t have any voiced/edited content yet. I hope to have my first one done by end of January.
I just made a major step on one. I’ve been collecting small electronics of all sorts over the last 15 years or so, a lot of them pretty obscure. I just got a computer I wanted to use to build an inventory of everything and start a YouTube channel to highlight each item in the collection.
I’m in almost the exact same position. Next year is the start of my project to start making videos out of my collection of gadgets and the idea is to organize them as I go through them.
I had tried about a dozen other distros and all of them had something I didn’t really like. I finally landed on OpenSuse just because it feels like it’s made to get work done. No package manager drama or power trips from devs.
It just comes across as the guy on the project that just does all the work for everyone else because they’re too distracted.
Still haven’t come across nearly anything that I can’t accomplish through the Yast GUI. I wish I had come across it sooner, honestly.
Unfortunately not never