You have to link a source for something that offhandedly horrific
You have to link a source for something that offhandedly horrific
My sister wanted to hug it, but it was too tiny to use her arms, so she used her hands. I watched Sunflowers eyes popout…
Lol “being correct” in a language. Take a course in linguistics.
You got it, dialects are a widely varying thing!
Depends on the context IMO
It used unethically collected databases, you seemed to miss that on your list.
Based on what info?
Testing 1 2 3
Yes we call it “the legal system”
Yes if you say in a social setting you are going to kill the president, or if you called in a bomb threat to an airline, these are social nonos that can get you on the no fly list.
You’re assuming they have no other debt, as medical debt doesn’t influence your credit and you can’t be forced to pay it unlike other forms of debt, making it the last form of debt to pay off (and most have some larger crippling debt that comes first). You’re assuming they’re paid more than minimum wage (~15k a year), so 1/15 of their yearly income, and that already cannot afford housing and food. You’re assuming they have a consistent income and aren’t seasonal only.
Social misdeeds also remove you from being able to fly in the US, maybe I’m missing something…
So it’s a social media, made by China, making it Chinese social media. If you want to argue that its not the social media used by the Chinese, that’s different and should be phrased more clearly.
They were, this is classic “It’s not racism until they’re racist against me” development. It wasn’t racist when it was against only Mexicans/blacks tho.
Thank you for the honesty, I do believe you fwiw, it’s in line with general business practices