It’s Utah, WTF do expect.
It’s Utah, WTF do expect.
So rogain or whatever it’s called
No one here is qualified and people that say they are might not be. I would recommend actually looking for mental health to help with your concerns and needs.
There’s no shame in asking for medical help.
Fuckin Ohio.
Please take us.
Same but I don’t use YouTube I tend to use it for TV. Cast and forget cable TV for free.
I hate edge but edge also let’s you stream from your PC to TV with no ads.
They accept what society rejects besides pedos.
I mean it takes more than one person to fuck an ostrich.
Now that the election is over and we won, let’s remove our bots. - musk
Do you think they won’t protect something that will become a national security? Look at what they do with oil and “national security”.
Not climate change.
There’s a reason there’s American companies buying up fresh water and aquifers all over the world. When it comes to pushing and shoving, the US would have the upper hand.
Used to be the woody show but then ravey left and now there’s no one to hold him accountable on BS he says.
The new cast are ass kissers for sure.
Fuck Mount baldy Sebas. Cocky cock.
But scoutsknives low gravity though… You can’t beat that.
Autistic children, there is a difference and they do have different needs.
Fritos original lime and Chile early 2k.
Noragami - too soon it was just getting good.
Just for that, the deer deserves immunity for life.
But he has to keep it on.
I actually get happy during this season. I can’t stand weather higher than 73F. I start to sweat like nobodies business and who doesn’t like the rain?
America’s version of fell out the window