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Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • I think this is the best take really. She obviously lacks the typical qualifications and it’s no doubt that she got the job because of who she knows and not what she knows. But I really dislike when it’s framed like working at hooters and bikini modelling is something bad, shameful or vapid. It’s a job like any other and in this particular scenario it means she has hands on experience dealing with pervs, weirdos and people stuck in a time before women’s suffrage. She might very well be a very effective leader of this bunch…

  • You’re being downvoted here because you set the goalpost as “Biden shouldn’t sign this pro-Israel, anti-palestine budget because he’ll lose the election” when that is refuted you then move it to “Biden wants to sign this budget, you’re dumb if you think he’s reluctant”. I don’t think he’s reluctant, but not because he today wants to block aid to UNRWA, because he as a life long career politician knows there’s no such thing as a bill you support 100% if you reach 51% that’s good enough.

  • All three, House, Senate and President, need to agree to the same budget. As Republicans control (on paper) everything but the presidency it’s not like Biden has true agency. If he grandstands on the UNRWA funding here the shutdown that would follow would be squarely on Biden. Thousands of American government employees wouldn’t be paid and people relying on the federal government for aid and support would be out in the cold.

    The fact of the matter is that the average American voter care more about the US doing well and everything working than they do about Palestine in general and the UNRWA funding specifically.

  • I think this follows in most nations that the less you have the more likely you are to lean towards the left side of you nations political spectrum. And the more you have the more likely you lean towards the right side. Home ownership is one part of that, a fairly big part given the state of home pricing these days.

    Really it’s always been about the class struggle, of the have nots vs the haves, rich vs poor, bourgeois vs proletariat, whatever you want to call it. The US has just done a “better” job of muddying the waters and suffocating organized class warfare.

    Mainly by instilling that you’re not really poor because you’re within reach of being a millionaire. The American dream. (Which you need to be asleep to believe in as Carlin put it.).

    Though I’m not really holding my breath on people actually waking up to this reality and actually doing something about it. The Circus seems to suffice in the US, and any struggle and violence is directed between marginalized groups. People in declining rural areas “fighting” people from the worst parts of the cities. Middle class suburbians opposing the choices of other middle class suburbians that just want freedom of expression but that somehow limits the first group in ways they can’t even articulate when asked. It’s madness.

  • Why wouldn’t he? BYD and other cheap BEVs from China directly threaten American jobs, and not the poorly paying kinds either. I see no rational reason why an American president wouldn’t do everything in his power to protect American interests.

    And for the environment I don’t really think BEVs in the shape of cars is the solution. Scooters and small motorcycles outnumber cars by far and is growing faster as well, while each individual vehicle pollute far less the sheer volume is a problem and the air quality problem they contribute to is massive. Those and trucks I feel are the important vehicles to focus on, for the environment. But it’s far easier of course to market and sell cars to high income individuals, in areas with the infrastructure necessary to support electric cars.

  • Sure, and I have no interest in defending any positions of his that I oppose. But as you say this autumn it isn’t about what I want in a politician (and you’d be hard pressed to ever find someone you agree with on every policy) it’s about Trump or Biden. Democrats or Republicans in Congress. It’s a shitty choice, but solving that is about voting for replacements in primaries and if none exist then actually putting your name in or pushing someone you think is suited into that track. It’s about actually getting involved in democracy and not just leave it to the rich and powerful. Come election day the choice is A or B. If you want C then sorry bud but you missed the window to get C on the ballot or C isn’t nearly as popular as you think.

  • I’m basically serially online and I have literally never seen anyone defending Hunter Biden. All I’ve seen is disbelief that Joe Biden would in anyway be involved in Hunters missteps and potential crimes.

    Joe has been a politician for like half a century. He knows better than to in anyway associate with shit that can and will bite him in the ass politically. That said literally no one is squeaky clean, everyone at least parks unsafely or drives to fast or similar misdemeanors at least a few times at the bare minimum. I’m sure Joe has done quite a few questionable things but something blatantly criminal? Unlikely but if there is some actual evidence I would join in with the notion that he pays for his crimes like everybody else should.