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Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Periodic office hours are tremendously helpful as well.

    Block an hour, once or twice a week, for people to come by an ask you (and your team) about literally anything they want. And open it to everyone at your organization. Have your team stop answering one-off questions and tell people to bring it to office hours.

    Team leads and tpms should help with logistics, messaging and hand-slapping.

  • Move on from the dog-murder shit already. Rural and farm animals get killed by their owners. That’s how farms work. Grow the fuck up about it.

    Anyone with any practical experience in farming knows that the lives of animals used for service are cheap and are freely killed when they outlast their practical usefulness.

    This happens every day. And all the pearl-clutching over this only serves to alienate rural voters who are well-aware of this. And maybe they could be reached with appeals to livable wages, lack of access to viable health care or the autonomy of their own bodies. But framing a “yuck” campaign around the unpleasant truths of rural life drives an empathy wedge between that voter and pearl-clutching “animal loving” city dwellers who adore their dogs and cats and don’t give a second thought to where their hamburgers and chicken nuggets come from.

    This is not important. What matters is her legislative history. Working to amend the 14th amendment to define “personhood” as conception, loosening gun control, being an opponent of the Affordable Care Act, supporting Trump’s 2017 Muslim travel ban. These things matter.

  • It’s going to make a really interesting vision-of-tomorrow snapshot that we’ll be able to look back on in a decade or so.

    Back around 2000, there was a low budget US political thriller called Deterrence about the son of Saddam Hussein controlling Iraq and threatening to use nukes while the US President is snowed into a Colorado diner during a campaign stop (setting up a ‘in a bottle’ plot scenario). It’s a fine little thriller, but mostly fascinating in terms of its vision of global politics in the near future… right before 9/11.

    Mr Robot is going to be like that, right before LLMs and asset generation tools changed everything.

  • It doesn’t matter if Trump in reality is an insurrectionist

    That’s incorrect. It absolutely does matter if the candidate is an insurrectionist. It’s literally the only thing that matters.

    Read Section 3 ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution#Section_3:_Disqualification_from_office_for_insurrection_or_rebellion ):

    No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

    The language is deliberately vague here. It doesn’t say a person needs to be convicted of anything, only that they committed the act. Colorado put forth an excellent case that the actions Trump engaged in count as insurrection.

    During oral arguments in the court today, the justices hand-waved this aside and changed the subject, asking “what if” questions about them allowing Trump’s removal, speculating that any state could easily gin-up boloney insurrection arguments against any candidate and have them yanked off the ballot. “What would we do then?” they kept asking.

    From home, I’m yelling “You do your fucking job.” Let the speculative bullshit charges be made, appealed, heard and rejected for the bullshit that they are, shaming the shit-slinging politicians for wasting the peoples’ time.

  • Read the article.

    Machine learning and interpretative output are tools; just like the automobile, the spreadsheet and photoshop.

    The introduction of new tools means there will be fewer people manually doing the things that machines can do more efficiently. The introduction of digital spreadsheets decimated the market for paper bookkeepers, but the need for accountants (people who could utilize the new tools) exploded.

    I don’t know enough about modern animation production to speak authoritatively about this, but I’m imagining Katzenberg is talking about jobs like inbetweeners and other kinds of admittedly skilled labor that can be lazily farted out by machines. No QA for lazy productions, QA and varying levels of tweaks for high production value work, and all-by-hand for only the most rare auteur works. And most animated works are in that “lazy production” category. It’s gonna look like shit, everyone who cares will notice, but most of the people buying won’t care.

    What this also means is that money will stop flowing to high-manual-effort works. The real creative, ground breaking stuff is going to come from either people utilizing the new tools in new ways, or old established artists who refuse to change (Miyazaki, Bill Plympton, Yuri Norstein & Francheska Yarbusova, etc).

  • Here’s what I could pull off that dumpster fire of a website:



    Rachel Maddow said that the Republican Party is the only institution that can pull the plug on Trump, which is why the former president is testing them by invoking Hitler.

    Maddow said:

There’s no bar association to yank his law license. There’s no radio or TV network to say we’re not hosting your show anymore. What is the institution here that decides this is on their patch? What is the institution here that decides that you can never espouse things like this and also be part of them and also represent them?

    There is only one. It’s his political party. Which when he is running to be the Republican nominee for president of the United States, means he’s contending to lead that party. While promising he will build camps it hold millions of people in this country and use the military against American civilians at home in America and his political opponents are vermin who will be crushed and exterminated. That is the test here. That — he’s not running as an independent. He’s not running as the trump for president candidate.

    He’s running as the Republican, he wants to be the Republican nominee for president. So that is the only institution, the institution that is be tested here. This is him testing the political party that he says he’s going to lead. Testing them now. One year out from the election, to see what they will tolerate as an institution. Which means every single member of that party will now have to answer whether this is who they are, whether this is hot they stand for, whether this is the cause of their party.

    We know from history that a country under threat does not stand up for itself with some kind of civic objection that just redounds to the country at large. In real life, a country under threat stands up for itself when the institutions that make up the civic and political life of the country stand up and say what they’re for and what they can no longer stand for.


    Rachel Maddow was correct. At this point, Trump is intentionally invoking Hitler and Mussolini because he is testing the Republican Party to see if it will go all in with him on his fascism. Trump is trying to find out if he can transform one of the two major political parties in the United States into a fascist movement. In the fall of 2024, Democrats could stop Trump and his fascists from taking over the country, but there is a very specific reason for why Trump is using this rhetoric now.

    Donald Trump has taken over the Republican Party. The next step is to turn the former party of Lincoln and Reagan into an anti-democracy authoritarian movement,

  • E.D.Pa.: Driver’s failure to laugh at odd question during stop not RS Posted on October 21, 2023 by Hall

    Defendant’s failure to laugh at the question of whether he had “firearms, drugs, cats, dogs, alligators, and weapons” in his vehicle stop was not reasonable suspicion. United States v. Holloway, 2023 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 187752 (E.D. Pa. Oct. 18, 2023):

    Officer Smart testified that he regularly asks individuals a question concerning possession of “firearms, drugs, cats, dogs, alligators, and weapons” at vehicle stops because it “helps [him] read people’s body language and their demeanor.” … He further testified that he was trained by other officers to infer that an individual who does not laugh at such a question is nervous about either firearms or narcotics … and that he typically receives a “laughing response” to that question …. While courts “do give considerable deference to police officers’ determinations of reasonable suspicion, … courts do not owe them blind deference.” United States v. Alvin, 701 F. App’x 151, 156 (3d Cir. 2017) (internal quotations omitted). The Court does not find that laughing at a law enforcement officer while being questioned about drugs and weapons would be an appropriate response. Moreover, failing to laugh at a bizarre question while being questioned about drugs and weapons does not create reasonable suspicion to remove an individual from a car after a traffic violation.

    Note that the officer said he got that from other officers, not from official training.