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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: May 15th, 2024


  • You’re downvoted, maybe because people think you promoted the current system (I don’t see that), but what you wrote is technical correct.

    The US has less regulations than it used to have, but there are still rules (e.g. laws against insider trading and stock manipulation, labour laws, consumer and environmental protection etc.).

    Unfortunately the existing rule are being gamed into oblivion and I’m not saying they are sufficient nor do I deny their decline. I’m just saying it could (and maybe will) be worse than now.

  • To me the most interesting aspect of the article is kind of fuzzy, namely why she left.

    There’s a hint, but it remains unclear what her concerns about the finances were.

    Swan has a different story. She says she raised concerns about the organization’s handling of finances, which the executives were unable, or unwilling, to address. In a 7 April 2022 email to former chairman Wiseley, Swan resigned.
    “It is with deep regret that I feel the need to step down as deputy treasurer,” wrote Swan.

    Later the article mentions her being slandered for defending a local library that displayed children’s books with LGBTQ+ themes. So maybe that topic contributed to her leaving the group, but all of this seems to have taken place after she already had left the group.

    Am I missing something?

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