Despite all my rage I’m still a rat refreshing this page.

I use arch btw

Credibly accused of being a fascist, liberal, commie, anarchist, child, boomer, pointlessly pedantic, and db0’s sockpuppet.

Pronouns are she/her.

Vegan for the iron deficiency.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I’m going to assume this is good faith.

    So lets talk about something different for a minute. Many people enjoy the taste of beer yes? but also alcohol is undeniably detramental to take as a drug. So people make stuff that is not beer, in the sense that it is not an alcoholic beverage, but is very similar. They call these products alcohol free beer. That’s pretty descriptive right? it’s going to taste like beer but it’s not alcoholic.

    So steak say, obviously it means a certain anatomical piece of the desecrated corpse of a cow. But also it’s an experience, eating a steak. So if someone says “plant based steak” they’re describing that experience. They’re saying “hey this will have the texture and taste of something analogous to a lump of muscle from a corpse, but it’s made of plants” with the name.

    I don’t see why this should be controversial, it’s just shorthand. What would you suggest they call it?

  • Firstly I am a non meat eater confused when I am seeing steaks labelled as meat, which I expect to be describing nourishing food in general ( Similarly I am confused seeing dairy milk labelled as just milk when I seek certain saps and other reagents for my alchemy.

    Secondly you obviously misunderstand what “rabid vegans” want or their goals. I am one, and I quite enjoy the taste of meat. I did not stop eating it because it was not pleasurable, I stopped eating it because I have worked in the processes that lead to it being neatly packaged in supermarkets and there is a rather alarming amount of suffering involved. So frankly I am very much interested in things that lack that suffering but taste the same, I would sacrifice my left hand to a dark god if it would lead to convincing crustacean flesh alternatives.

  • Just to talk in international units to include everyone: I was under the impression it was supposed to operate at 1 mbar or 1/1000th of an atmosphere. That’s into the transition between viscious and molecular flow iirc (for air at normal temps anyway). You’re probably still pumping down with something like a scroll pump but it’s not very efficient anymore.

    Thinking about the number of opportunies for leaks. Every joint, every screw, every pump connection. How they all shift against each other as the sun warms and cools them, how you relieve the strain without introducing pourous materials. It’s a fucking nightmare, and even if you manage all that you need to be pumping on it every few meters 24/7 to keep pressures that low with the realistic amount of leaks/in order to be able to pump down the local area where one occurs.

    Like imagine if you needed a phat motor on every block to make roads work. The infrastructure demand is just unreal

  • I used to work in a vacuum lab and one thing to consider is pumping efficiency drops as pressure drops. So everything leaks all the time right, and one strategy is to just pump harder.

    However at low pressurers nothing is pushing the air into the pump for extraction, something like a bend can stop gas flowing around it dramatically where in high pressure the gas behind just pushes it through. So it gets more and more energetically demanding to keep pace with leaks.

    Also pressuring a giant tube to multiple atmospheres also sounds like a nightmare. It’s hard enough to keep pool toys inflated :p