I hate saying i told u so but i told u so.
I hate saying i told u so but i told u so.
Its not big tech unless they are abusing a monopoly.
The only vpn company id ever trust would be mulvad.
I wrote a script to generate seed phrases and look up if that derived into a key with any value. Then did the maths on how impossible that is and decided to stop.
Lemmy censorship. U cant say the word “retarded” but you can call for the literal murder elon musk. It makes me angry the mods are too blinded by political bias to apply the rules equally.
Cos he want to control it
Yeah my banking app works but prime video doesnt
Except when they get caught using ur face in facial recognition for security cameras across the globe its without your consent and forces the courts to admit they illegally took ur face for recognition. Yoyr rights will be violated its just trying to make the job of the people who will have to go and fight for them back easyer
Hes gonna be the first one the ai kills and i look forward to it
Whoever is in charge o blackrock
Hey for the record ive been banned for saying this perfectly proving my point.
The more i hear about twitter censoring shit the less i respect what elon has done. If he did what he said he would do great but unfortunatly i don’t see any of this free speach he allegedly loves.
Btw what was the exact link that twitter thinks is so dangerous?
I can strongly reccommwnd stop watching ahort form content it has been proven to caise all sorts of mental issues.
Fair. Also what is a “protected group” what makes it any different from any other grouping?
Isnt the entire gun market indirectly responsible, what about the food the shooters ate? Cant we use the same logic to prssecute anyone of any religion cos most of the religiouse texts support the killing of some group of people.
Its convenient to ask what the argument is when u ignore 60% of it
U can make any common practice and pillar of capitalism sound bad by using the words impressionable and extremist.
If we remove that it become: funnelling a market towards the further consumption of your product. I.e. marketing
And yes of cause the platforms are designed to be addictive and are effective at indoctranation but why is that only a problem for certain ideologies shouldnt we be stopping all ideologies from practicing indoctranation of impressionable people should we not be guiding people to as many viewpoints as possible to teach them to think not to swallow someone elses ideas and spew them back out.
I blame Henry Ford for this whole clusterfuck he lobbied the education system to manufacture an obedient consumer market and working class that doesnt think for itself but simply swallows what its told. The education system is the problem anything else is treating the symptoms not the disease.
Yes i could. I could spend the extra 30seconds fixing it or i could not bother and still have my point comprehendable.
Ur missing the point violence should absolutly be policed. Words ideas ideology hell no let isis, ms13, the communists, the nazis, the vegans etc etc etc say what they want. They are all extremists by some definition let them discuss let them argue and the second someone does something violent lock em for the rest of their lives simple.
What you are suggesting is the policing of ideology to prevent future crime their is an entire book about where that leads to said book simply calls this concept thought crime.
Imagine watchibg let alone even having the option for shorts. Get newpipe there is a sponsorblock version on fdroid no shorts no google tracking no nonsence u dont get comments tho but whatever. It also supports peertube which is nice.
Report for what? Sure disagree with them about their bullshit but i dont see why u need to report someone just cos u disagree with their opinions.
What an excellent presedent to set cant possibly see how this is going to become authoritarian. Ohh u didnt report someone ur also guilty cant see any problems with this.
Not this one lemmy.ml is to be avoided for censorship reasons.