Whats the efficiency and how does time effect it?
Whats the efficiency and how does time effect it?
Nice theory but it was some political bullshit group who did it for some bullshit reason. Odds are it’ll turn out to be some Russian funded shit.
Ur mother
So this is just propaganda.
Are the uncensored models more capable tho?
Do we have federated git yet?
Imagine how i feel installing dubious drivers in my qubes dom0.
Wow who would have thunk the chemicals getting dumped into the environment by the fucking oil industries could be dangerouse. There are a million 3d printing materials u can use and have decent extraction and ur fine. Guy u need to be scared 3d printers might give the consumer too much power, cant have foss technology winning out.
This is why monero should be the future.
Rainbows tables are mostly irrelevant lately. Well at least if u follow proper salt and proper reccommendationa.
What user data do people have on ia?
So he doesnt give af about free speach. If he did he would federate twitter.
If they sell to anyone in australia let our consumer protection agency or whatever they called know. They tend to actually follow through with fining companies shit like this.
What jurisdiction in this?
Its not google services i worry about ive pretty much degoogled everything i can. Its the google bits so deeply embedded into almost every website across the internet. If they implemented some tpm bs into chrome that somehow Verity’s itself with tpm and google servers before it loads anything then that instantly makes a majority of websites juat not work on ff with no fixes backdoors or bypasses. They will try, we have little hope in stopping it, and most people wont even notice let alone give a fuck.
I suspect this will soon be followed by a renewed effort by google to kill firefox compatability.
Well with https enforced and secure dns not much to worry about.
Its my pleasure to help
U can write sql against the search history db i believe
Sounds great in theory till u realise this is the exact sort of law the big tech companies can afford to pay out that will also be used to completly kill foss ai.