Why do I need a sticker if I’m not using it? That sucker is getting stuck on the first thing I think of.
Toothpaste and a toothbrush.
I do now understand the financial problems my family had at the time, but for a child it still was a major bummer. Nevermind me being an only and a Christmas child.
Being poor and lonely made Christmas the worst time of the year: no real celebrations like other kids have and my friends were spending time with their families. It was always the loneliest holiday.
I don’t hold any resentment to my parents, they did what they could with what they had and they weren’t bad people ultimately.
I still don’t like Christmas, but my SO does make it something to look forward to. I like thinking of little gifts to get them and watch their reaction. This year I made several oversized t-shirts for sleeping with vinil prints of our cats. It’s cheesy as fuck, but in a good way. I like getting gifts as well tho 😅.
The fucking shows your politicians put on. Like going places and then having some monologue in front of a bunch of people. Not even a debate or something… Weird as fuck to me.
To me it’s glorified autocomplete. I see LLM as a potencial way of drastically lowering barrier of entry to coding. But I’m at a skill level that coercing a chatbot into writing code is a hiderance. What I need is good documentation and good IDE statical analysis.
I’m still waiting on a good, IDE integrated, local model that would be capable of more that autompleting a line of code. I want it to generate the boiler plate parts of code and get out of my way of solving problems.
What I don’t want, is a fucking chatbot.
Another one was the death of my father, but that’s more depresing.
I didn’t particularly enjoy waking up ever. To this day morning is a chore I have to endure, then work (before it was school) and then I finally get to have some time for myself.
I feel you, I get exited to get a fresh sponge for dish wasing
Or when someone asks for directions
When children in our apartment building started saying formal hellos while passing by. I still feel old when they do that…
As a developer I like to mess with everything. Currently we are doing an infrastructure migration and I had to do a lot of non-development stuff to make it happen.
Honesly I find it really usefull (but not necessary) to have some understanding of the underying processes of the code I’m working with.
From my experience, killing a process from task manager does free up any file locks held by the process. However, I wouldn’t consider it being graceful, any in-app cleanup is lost this way.
Bold of you to assume we had hotel money when I was 12
That’s how language works. You could say that a similar thing happened to the suffix -core. Where originally it was ment to be used with one word – a certain musical genre. Now, however, I can append it to anything and it means just a general esthetic.
As for rougelike, it no longer means a game that’s like Rouge. It means a game where you losing means starting over, where playing more doesn’t necessarily mean the game gets easier due to accumulated XP, wealth, gear or whatevet other mechanic.
I wouldn’t consider it superior, just different, in case of a keyboard shortcut.
Sometimes people manage other computers so it’s not practical to configure all of them and you can’t trust what people have configured for the power button
I saw other people mentioning managing multiple computers in an offise space. I wouldn’t trust that everybody wound configure the power button action.
It’s an easier click target when it’s in the corner. Moving cursor from the middle to the corner is negligible for me since I can reach the whole screen with relatively minor mouse movement.
In the end it’s a muscle memory thing for me. Having the button in the middle just means I have to look for it in a different location than I’ve used to over the years.
Wait this is new? I wasn’t able to use google without JS for sometime.