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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2023

  • To me the weirdest thing isn’t how they still support him, it’s how little it seems the rest of US could care.

    It’s like the thing with Nigerian scammers and how they weed out the folks who aren’t gullible and get fat off the rest. The flamboyant absurdity that turns off normies is what attracts his victims (this is the first time I’ve actually thought of his voters as victims). I’m also reminded of whale sharks and how they filter out water and get fat off the plankton.

    But where are the Democrats in this? There’s no adversarial someone out there between a scammer or filter feeder and their prey. And sure, the people that are going to vote for him aren’t going to listen to a Dem. But what about the entire apathetic electorate? That’s the seawater Trump is using to filter feed on his victims. Without that apathy he can’t win. If only there were some way Democratic electeds could reduce apathy amongst the American people. Some way that wouldn’t upset donors, that is.


    I’m afraid it’ll be voter apathy vs whale shark scammer this November.

  • But how? Democrats have been trying to get the media to discuss what they want when they want for like 4 decades now. Mainstream media has decided it’s on the side of business and Dems are bad for that (I disagree, but then I’m not a CEO, just someone who can read a chart), so how do you get them talking about the benefits of (D) actions instead of just the drawbacks they want to highllight in the 3 minute segment they only agreed to just to show how unrealistic or expensive or whatever they think those actions are?

  • No, I don’t know any of that. Some of those words are familiar, tho. Sorry, I ain’t had a Windows partition on my own personal computer since… damn I forgot what the one before 7 was called - Vista! We still had the family gaming PC, and I stayed buying games during steam and gog sales (even tho I mostly played on consoles - Nintendos and PlayStations only, lol) but I guess I haven’t actually been on it since Windows 8 and I hated it so much! But it’s gone now anyway, cannibalized for parts. Only 1 kid left at home, he’s got his own PC, and I don’t even know what version of windows he’s running. It’s hilarious, go back a few decades and I was free windows tech support for everyone, but now I don’t even know how to Windows.

    And look, I’m probably just a trash monster. Like, I’m playing Just Cause 4 on my PS4 right now. And I play plenty of other trash (but also some good games) on my Garuda (it’s based on arch, btw - installed by my husband who has only ever installed windows in his life, with very minimal input from me) gaming PC. I also have the steam deck, but once my son donated parts after his latest PC upgrade, the steam deck just mostly gets picked up to do a little update every so often - but I’m about to go on a trip (and the switch has already been claimed)! To be fair to the steam deck, I mostly don’t even power on my gaming PC, as I really love my PS4 (I can’t stand the PS5 and usually only get on it to help my grandson when he’s here) and my rarely-turned-off MX Linux PC (I don’t hate the KDE of Garuda, but there’s a reason I use an XFCE-based distro as my daily driver).

    I might be a gaming addict. But Microsoft hasn’t had anything to offer me since like, George W Bush was president. And even then, it was steam then gog who really had stuff to offer me on the PC. And in the console department, they ain’t ever had anything I’ve wanted, maybe my hands are too small or something but I’ve always hated the Xbox controller.