Isn’t it just! They don’t make games like that anymore.
Honestly, in the UK I doubt anyone would care what you’re wearing unless you turn up in a blue bathrobe complete with a rubber ducky. Which, to be fair, is a cool look 😉.
Creative industry, eh? I’d wear anything that is classed as smart casual and then see from there. Likely it will be even more relaxed but if you want to play it safe.
Good luck with the interview 👍.
Yeah pretty much. As a payment intermediary they’re actually really good. Top of class one could argue.
The executive’s politics aside, trying to boycott them means boycotting all their users. Good luck with that.
Good luck boycotting Stripe
Partial support is coming in four years time they’ve announced. We just have to wait 🫠.
Everything named Concord crashed and burned as a result of overconfidence.
How is this not being able to use your phone?
But but… The Gooooooogles!
Wait till they hear about the HA-RAM proxy… For when your memory needs to be available now!
Do… do you think tea is peanut butter?
May I… oh wait, not that.
Yes, yes you should donate.
With DB2? Ha! Don’t make me laugh.
Do you think anything this administration has done was thoroughly thought out and considered or plain reactionary and for mass media consumption?
From what we’ve seen this past year of Biden he seems more interested in visiting ice cream parlours and having an absolutely shit foreign policy.
I don’t think he understands the words even when they’re coming out of his own mouth.
FusedLocation, it’s just easier to work with.
The irony is that Ukraine had “the bomb”, but the US and its allies promised to protect them if they gave it up. Oops.
We do… but we don’t need to. Just force of habit.
They include “research” when it suits their argument. And speak in absolutes. No drive time radio isn’t as popular as what it used to be… but he’s using all the same tricks.
He sells controversy. That’s his schtick.
I know at first it sounds difficult because you care for your parents. But this is your life and whether they choose to respect your choices or not is up to them. If you want kids, have kids. If you want to be an atheist, be an atheist. If you want to dye your hair blue, dye your hair blue.
Your parents don’t have to agree with your choices (as long as you’re not breaking the law or anything like that)… but they should respect you and your choices.
TL;DR: Don’t live for your parents, live for you.