Let’s say that there is a single player MMO where all the other players are played by AI, but it is done so well that you can’t really see the difference from real-human MMO players.
Would you play this? I would not. The fact that there is a human on the other side is important, even though it does not make any practical difference. Same with birthday wishes - that’s way Facebook did not automate “Happy birthday!” even though it could.
Would you upload your personal data and voice to Open AI for it to make a a birthday wishes call to your mom? So convinient! She won’t know the difference, and you get a 5 bulletpoint summary afterwards! Such a hellscape.
I guess they will anwser such calls with AI to get a summary anyway…
Great points overall. I guess previous generations thought that a hand-written letter cant be replaced by a digital one, yet here we are.