I am a Meat-Popsicle

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • In theory, it works that way.

    In practice, we’ve never openly stopped anyone with those systems.

    When it comes time for them to justify the invasion of privacy, they don’t have any school shooters stopped, and they don’t have any Unabombers stopped. They don’t have any cases of stolen kids stopped. They’d be shouting all that from the rooftops to expand and extend that funding.

    If they have actually stopped anyone, it’s at super-secret spy game levels. The guys you’re expecting them to stop aren’t even a concern for them. Worse yet, they may actually be rooting for them.

  • Nah, it’s more like Dropbox. It’s a multi-way sync between all devices. Dropbox, Google drive and Microsoft one box all have the same kind of problems. Stuff that’s supposed to be deleted ends up not getting deleted, stuff that’s supposed to be overwritten ends up getting multiple copies with conflicts Even though nothing else has any changes staged. It’s totally possible to do it without all that, but there are cost savings are wrapped up in trying to add intelligence in there to make it communicate with the server less.

    I don’t really give a rat’s ass about the guy cheating, but if a company is going to drag me into their distributed ecosystem I fully expect deleted things to delete everywhere and stay deleted. This isn’t the first time that they’ve been in the news recently for deleted things reappearing.