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  • 17 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 8th, 2022


  • lemmyreader@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldYou shouldn't ignore it
    2 months ago

    Well I never used command line in 30 years of Windows.

    That’s 30 years of using closed source software from strangers (Or do you have many good friends at Redmond WA USA ?) :-)

    It’s pretty much a requirement for Linux that you copy and paste random commands you don’t understand from strangers on the internet.

    Maybe decades ago it was. Nowadays that’s not a requirement as there’s GUI applications for a lot more things than before. And as a Linux user I simply find it much more convenient and faster to share some commands with another person than making screen shots and creating a howto of a few pages or making a video. Also documentation has improved. For the average Linux user the Arch Linux wiki is a nice resource, even when not using Arch Linux.

  • Gnome is great, and I commend the devs for having the bollocks to come out and say “No, we don’t think Microsoft perfected OS UX in the early 90s”, and do something different that works well, despite knowing the amount of hatred and even death threats they’d get for the change.

    Good to read your take on that bit of history, thanks. On one computer where I have GNOME, it is really nice and comfortable for what I use it for.


    Update 2024-04-27: It was suggested in the Discourse thread that I clarify the interaction between the break-even budget and the 1M EUR committed by the STF project. This money is received in the form of a contract for services rather than a grant to the Foundation, and must be spent on the development areas agreed during the planning and application process. It’s included within this year’s budget (October 23 – September 24) and is all expected to be spent during this fiscal year, so it doesn’t have an impact on the Foundation’s reserves position. The Foundation retains a small % fee to support its costs in connection with the project, including the new requirement to have our accounts externally audited at the end of the financial year. We are putting this money towards recruitment of an administrative assistant to improve financial and other operational support for the Foundation and community, including the STF project and future development initiatives.

    (also posted to GNOME Discourse, please head there if you have any questions or comments)

  • On Reddit: “Windows is being enshitified. How can we cope with it?”
    On Lemmy: “Windows is being enshitified. Good thing we’ve moved to Linux”

    I think I see a pattern here.

    Interesting. I guess it has to do with what you are used to and what feels comfortable.

    Linus Torvalds once made this remark :

    When you say ‘I wrote a program that crashed Windows,’ people just stare at you blankly and say ‘Hey, I got those with the system, for free.’

    If I think back of the days that I was using Linux and I saw friends and family using Windows95 that had just launched (with a massive hype, and using a Rolling Stones song to promote it) the Blue Screen of Death was fairly normal for folks. And they lived with it, and they continued to live with it because they thought that they had no choice, and they were incredibly happy to not having to use DOS anymore. Later some of the folks I knew after having their Windows computer flocked with Windows viruses they bought a Mac, and as a matter of saying, lived happily ever after. Not everyone can afford Macs though.And not every “normie” is ready to use Linux.

  • lemmyreader@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldProve Im wrong
    2 months ago

    It’s incredible how afraid the shallow people of the world are. One celebrity openly transitions, and yall can never have a functional thought again without your hate.

    Hmmm :( looks like I’m not up to date about some celebrities. No idea that the photos were real and the same person. Mind sharing their name or a link ?