“There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don’t.”
“There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don’t.”
Linux is slow at killing apps when you run out of memory because it was designed to also run on low spec hardware even if very slowly (making the ui totally unrensposnive) due to swapping.
This comic is about the kill
command, how Linux kernel is handling force stopping apps vs (old?) Windows when if App frozed it was hard to close it. Now with modern apps and hardware you very rarely see that as most apps are designed to have asynchronous logic that is correctly handled, but it’s still more or less relevant.
How many already launched?
Thinking when the “leaving packages before door” will stop (by shops refusing to send it that way due to cost related to stealing)
For VR, if you have a Quest headset and good WiFi, you can try ALVR with SteamVR, it works just fine for me while playing BeatSaber but depending on games your milage might vary.
True, if you have extra money, …
It just ‘feel’ bad/wrong like now Google has a brand that they will quickly kill any project they start.
If you create a good product the market will pick it up, throwing cash at random projects and killing it when it doesn’t make huge profit sounds wasteful.
You mean they throw a lot of money at the wall hoping that something will stick?
We should start call them that…
Or maybe more like:
or ExAI
But you have a lot of cold air to cool it down, and on a side note it makes your room warmer which you might want in that cold region 😅
(But the energy savings is hard to argue with)
I call those estimates BS like always, but who knows.
Maybe they should focus on giving people a way to access those legally? Where on that poster campain say where to go? And secondly… They as always still introduce the BS regional locking!
(No internet =} no download = no failure
You can even host repo mirror locally, that will still work without internet ;)
How to have internet without power?
Just having btrfs is not enough, you need to have automatic snapshots (or do them manually) before doing updates and configured grub to allow you to rollback.
Personally, I’m to lazy to configure stuff like that, I rather just pick my Vetroy USB from backpack, boot into live image and just fix it (while learning something/new interesting) than spend time preventing something that might never happen to me :)
It first downloads all packages from net, then it proceed totally offline starting by verifying downloaded files, signatures, extracting new packages and finally rebuilding initramfs.
Because arch is replacing the kernel and inittamfs in-place there is a chance that it will not boot if interrupted.
This issue was long resolved on other distro.
One way to mitigate it is by having multiple kernels (like LTS or hardened) that you can always pick in grub if the main one fail.
What about a desktop PC?
Just because you send me malware after some text I wanted to read (in http response), don’t give you rights to force me to execute the malware.
Just because I have your book (or page) and look at part of it doesn’t give you the right to force me to read it in full or dictate how I’m reading it.
I have every right to reveal/read only part of the book/page. We didn’t sign any agreement, if you want me to first look at the part you want to or agree to some license nothing stopping you to do, stuff like paywall or subscription exists…
What could be real world use case of using this protocol?
Planning? Cashgrab using marketing at worse, useless news at best as (it its true) then it will happen sooner or later.