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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023

  • I hope a previously suggested goal of improving KDE for organizations makes a comeback. It was basically all about all the things a business/organisation would need to roll out a fleet of KDE computers, mainly tools for remote / centralised management by an IT department.

    In the wake of Windows’s recent and continued trend, more and more public institutions, universities, government etc should be looking at switching away from Windows. There’s also EUs recent Digital Sovereignty Initiative.

    German state Schleswig-Holstein is already swapping 30k computers to Linux

  • directly reflected on your system in the hierarchy of your KleverNotes storage folders.

    This is a big deal. Joplin is great, but its database structure is horrible for interoperability.

    Hopefully Klevernotes will also be more snappy and “native feeling”. Joplin being Electron can be a bit sluggish sometimes ( which is mildly infuriating given that the database structure was chosen over plain files due to “performance”).

    That said, it be nice if Klevernotes was a WYSIWIG editor. There really are a lot of dual-view markdown editors with a preview. For generel notes / productivity I find the dual view distracting, but need the preview for images etc

  • Not Op, just want to chime in that sadly these days a lot of keyboards and laptops come without the context-menu button.

    There were even some Logitech keyboard that would use the “context menu” button to trigger a right-click (where the mouse cursor was) instead of opening the context menu (of the currently focused item)

    (Shift+F10 works as context-menu on some windows computers, but not all. Not sure if it comes down to Windows versions or different hardware)

  • Maybe it’s a different culture, or matter of car and people density, but in my country (Norway) most people cycle on the sidewalk. Including kids of course, from the age of 10 they can cycle to school instead of having to walk.

    Many footpaths here are also officially designated “cycling and walking paths”. Generally the only cyclists you see in the road are sports cyclists in racing bicycles and tight skin suits.

    The thinking here is that cyclists and pedestrians are both “soft traffic participants” so they share a space, while “hard traffic participants” like cars, trucks and motorcycles are kept separate.

    Pedestrians do have right of way over cyclists. As the heavier faster party, cyclists have the responsibility to avoid conflict, by giving right of way, and slowing down and/or chiming their bell to signal their presence before passing pedestrians.

    Personally, if I was told that tomorrow I’m only allowed to cycle on the road, I would get rid of my bike. If I’m gonna be on the road full of lorries busses and SUVs going 60kph, I’d rather just be in my car. It’s just not worth the risk and constant peril. This is in a more suburban and industrial/commercial setting, where the sidewalks have gaps to buildings, and pedestrians are far apart.

    I can however see how in a dense, crowded downtown area where the cars mostly drive slow and the sidewalks are dense with people, that cycling in the road makes more sense.

    Thinking about it the only roads with 30kph limit and a sidewalk are in the very center of the city. All other places with 30kph are basically neighbourhoods etc where there are no sidewalks and everybody shares the road. Roads here with a dedicated sidewalk also have higher speed limits that what a casual cyclist can achieve

  • People often rode them on sidewalks posing a danger to people walking.

    I’ve seen this sentiment around, but where else are you supposed to ride eScoooters and bicycles? Of course ideally they belong in the bike lane, but most places don’t have bike lines, so the alternatives are sidewalks or in the road with cars.

    If we’re gonna get people out of cars, we need to recognize that walking+transit doesn’t work for everyone a lot of people and that a bicycle/ eScooter is the solution (look at Amsterdam/ Copenhagen how well bicycles work) , but bike lanes don’t get built overnight, especially when few people cycle, if their banished from the safe sidewalk and only allowed to cycle in the dangerous road.

    (I’ve lumped bikes and eScooters together since they both solve the same problem of rapid personal transport, both having speeds of 20-30 kph which is significantly more than pedestrians but less than cars)

  • Have you tried X11 yet?

    ( It should just be a matter of logging out, selecting X11 in the bottom righ corner, and logging in again)

    Suffice to say, sluggish performance on your hardware shouldn’t be expected, so something must be wrong.

    In KDE System monitor you can try adding a new page to show CPU clock speed , to check if the Dell is not throttling. (Dell laptops throttling on the wrong charger is definitely a thing, but I’ve only experienced on more powerful laptops)

    Since you installed pre-release software I assume you don’t mind re-installing, so you could always try Neon Stable with 5.27, Kubuntu 23.10 or another distro entirely, to ensure your laptop is OK.

  • I’ve been running Plasma on my Intel Skylake I5-6?00U with 8gb RAM since 2015 and its utterly fine, no sluggishness in plasma itself. It’s still using X11 though, on an old Kubuntu LTS.

    Plasma isn’t THAT heavy that it should be expected to feel sluggish on that kind of hardware. And contrary to popular belief Plasma isn’t actually that heavy of a DE in terms of resources.

    OP might need to try different compositor backends? I remember years ago testing each before settling on whatever gave me smoothest performance (maybe OpenGL3?). Actually I’m not sure if this is even a setting anymore in modern Plasma, or in Wayland