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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • This is also slightly off. It was primarily to eliminate third party apps from the existing landscape. Reddit want money from users in one of two ways:

    1. Use their app and pay with your data via invasive tracking and advertising.
    2. Pay for a third party app that pays them for API access.

    Due to the extortionate pricing, (2) was only ever hypothetical. In reality there was no sustainable model for this for any third party app, even as a non-profit.

    The case around AI does exist, but it was smoke and mirrors for Reddit pulling the same nonsense that Twitter did once they realized they might get away with it, regardless of the short term damage it would do to their public image.

  • As a software user, you can either care about your privacy or not. Caring about your privacy and not either vetting what you’re planning to use or checking that someone else has before using it, is akin to sticking your hand in a fire to find out if it’s hot.

    Taking that analogy further, malicious open source software is kind of like a burning building. It only takes one person to raise the flag for it to spread pretty quickly through social media or other means that it is malicious. The whole community doesn’t need to acknowledge the fire for something to be done about it.

  • From:

    Democrats are in need of a reality check. The stakes are too high for us to indulge in the kind of denial

    It will be repeated daily from now through the election on a thousand social and partisan media platforms.

    Saved you a click.

    So? And what? What is this acknowledgement going to achieve? Other than being a completely baseless claim to begin with the author offers no positive outcome from this supposed need for us all to close our eyes, click our heels and say “Biden is old” until the words lose meaning.

    The author needs to spend less time rolling around in verbal faeces on X and spend a bit more time talking to people in the real world. That would reduce their proclivity for high school drama levels of reaction to an old man being old.