The United States Supreme Court is corrupt and illegitimate.
The United States Supreme Court is corrupt and illegitimate.
Here is a link to the Mastadon post where I saw this first, since this link is showing as non-secure.
Hah sorry, former redditor here, posting on title alone. That is truly wild but also makes perfect sense.
Didn’t know they were having an Eve Online event.
In a better world, what she did would be a crime. Shit, it might be one in this world. Just not one that will be prosecuted.
Hah! I understood both of those references.
It’s hard to riot when it’s not right in your backyard, and you’re not networked/less social, propaganda that encourages indifference or ignorance. America has a seriously systemic social problem. You’re definitely right, though.
What’s it called when you sell something you don’t own?
Kill all the humans. (That is a Futurama reference)
It was a Simpson’s reference
I should have known I’d be downvoted for that. Was just hoping folks would figure out that I was decrying lobbying but I guess I gotta explain myself better.
But yea, legitimate democracy is kind of a pipe dream outside of ancient Greece. I’d say people in the United States live under a crony-capitalist dominated representative republic. I wish we lived under a socialist-capitalist representative republic with short term limits and built in incentives for education and voter participation. We can all have our dream.
If only average citizens could match AIPAC donations. “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: democracy simply doesn’t work.”
edit for reference/link
Not only are they in the process of openly subverting the Constitution of the United States, they are openly calling for violence. When declared powerful adversaries call for violence publicly, every option is on the table. Collective self defense may be necessary, and they may yet regret it.