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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023


  • I mean specifically this type of guy on how they are confused about how laws are enforced.

    A lot of Trump supporters I think just don’t really think things through critically and are mad about the economy and crime and homelessness and the drug epidemic and are swept up by the idea that someone is actually acknowledging those issues properly. Because the establishment has sure refused to actually tackle them for a long time. And Democrats can’t help themselves but make themselves look even worse by constantly trying to introduce little nanny bullshit as well and they get a pretty deserved reputation as being a mixture of bought and paid for and nanny state trying to ban things and raise taxes. Republicans aren’t all that popular either anymore, people want serious anti-establishment candidates and failing a real one they’ll get excited about a fake one.

  • I’m fine with mandatory military service for a country that treats its military in a sane way and would never deploy conscripts outside of a last resort due to existential threat to the homeland. For most countries mandatory military service is just spending a few years learning to be a guardsman and learning a trade and serving your country and community in some substantive way. It should never involve getting anywhere near combat for anyone that didn’t volunteer.

    In the USA? Hell to the no, even before Trump.

  • So to answer what I assume is going to be the most common question here, this is a circuit diagram, but every neuron is like its own little programmable integrated circuit with a small amount of internal memory and those aren’t mapped here. So this is an excellent model to explore how neurons connect to each other and get insight into cognition and the function of the brain but it is far from something that can simply be simulated on a computer.

  • Yeah, I would buy the rights to Kerbal Space Program and Dungeons and Dragons and just make it all free and make the KSP2 we all deserved. Then I’d fund a professional SCP cinematic universe, it basically has to be free because it’s a licensing mess of community creations but there are so many stories in it worthy of being part of a high budget serialized cinematic universe.

    If moneys truly no object, then buy the Fallout IP, build a new engine with a creation kit that all actually works and is made with ease and stability of modding in mind and then make a high fantasy game with the same engine and let people go nuts. Downvote me if you want but I don’t think TES is inherently a good enough fantasy IP (the games have always been better than the central unique overarching plot) to be worth not just starting something new, or better yet, tie it in with the D&D IP I bought earlier.

  • No.

    No that’s kind of stupid.

    The amount of lead exposure from shooting is not particularly high and would be concentrated in a very small number of people who are doing things like firing uncoated bullets A LOT ie. reloaders. Most Americans don’t own guns and even the ones that do don’t fire them indoors extremely regularly and most indoor ranges have soap intended for lead. The lead exposure we’re talking about is pretty tiny especially considering lead effects cognition the most during brain DEVELOPMENT and the amount of leaded gas and lead paint are going to be much, much more significant. People who occupationally encounter lead in things like bullets, such as range workers, armorers, etc, monitor their lead exposure and if they are within safe levels the average guy who goes to an indoor range a handful of times a year certainly is. Also, shooting is expensive, most people aren’t shooting thousands of rounds a year, so countries with mandatory service where every 18 year old learns to shoot a rifle, likely using thousands of rounds of rifle ammo for every boy as an early adult would still be a much more statistically significant thing, as anyone who has ever received military training has, simply due to cost, shot more rounds than a very large chunk of any population

  • You are being way too hard on yourself, go in, act like nothing really happened which is mostly true, if your boss does demand an explanation of what happened all you need to say is “sorry, I had a panic attack.” If any coworker asks about it any of the following answers are acceptable “sorry, I had a panic attack” if you want to embellish whether true or not you can add “I was going through some unrelated stuff at the time and it threw me off,” and if necessary “I don’t really feel comfortable talking about it” it’s fine to embellish a little bit because it is, and I really do mean this, none of their business anyways and if they’re worth your time they will respect your boundaries anyways. If anyone gives you an opportunity to laugh it off, take it, add in any of the prior responses if you want.

    EDIT: Oh, and next time someone asks you how to spell something repeat calmly after me “oh, sorry don’t ask me, I get spelling anxiety” It’s totally fine. If it’s just general social test anxiety then you can expand the line to “oh, sorry, don’t ask me, I get bad anxiety under social pressure” Modify further as needed. Again, you’re totally fine.

  • It’s basically impossible to have a complete phylogenetic tree of bacteria and how they relate to eachother vs how they relate to common ancestors with the original eukaryotes let alone multicellular complex life. Prokaryotes as far as I know are seen as being a completely different branch more related to eachother than any eukaryotes so no, not really. Fish are a much more problematic group to exclude tetrapods from because bony fish like trouts, tuna etc are significantly more closely related to the tetrapods than either are to sharks and the other cartilagenous fish, all of which are more closely related to eachother than to the jawless fish like hagfish and lampreys.

    Tldr, if both trout and sharks are fish then monophyletically people also fall under the category of “jawed fish”