December hasn’t even started yet
(GNU/Linux)’ = -GNU/Linux²
771 packages in 480MB
Run this: ps aux --sort=-%mem
What distro are you using? What apps are open?
I only run out of ram (16GB) when I’m playing minecraft with 280 mods
How often is something is simplified with reactivity? Who though the web needs reactivity? When I go to the steam page of a game there’s no more than one thing which needs to react to my action. When I hover over a game a new div should appear and nothing else needs to react to it. I clearly don’t get it
Go watch some documentsaries about USSR, north korea, khmer rouge, and china then talk. USSR collapsed, Khmer rogue executed 1/4 of its’s population and north korea is a nation of brainwashesd people thinking their leader doesn’t poop (I don’t know enough to talk about China, but they have an economy)
I love being in control, I use neovim for this reason. But I remember when I bought my laptop I originally wanted to use awesomewm again as I was on my family PC but I remember spending so much time on basic features like brigness control and such that I moved to KDE insteadd which had these features out of the box. Am I missing something here? Or do people who use window managers actually implement every feature they need from scratch? No offense to anyone or any project, they are all awesome
"feat: replace every function in FunctionIdentifier with a single closure
My goal with less-function-id was to create a more neat solution but instead it turned into something far more ugly and limiting" You sometimes think a solutioniis good and neat until you implement it
I use arch but I don’t take pride in it like a loser. What makes arch even slightly “superior” tho? The installation? Pfft despite having installed arch many times in the past 4 years I still have to pull up a video tutorial because I usually forget steps. Want to truly feel superior? Go make a big contribution to open source or use LFS as daily driver
You can use window managers instead of DEs. While I prefer DEs because how much features they have you may not need these features
How is it faster? You mean every program runs faster or what?
This comment is how I learned about zram. Just one question, when is it used?
How would you connect to your “server” when you don’t know it’s IP? With static IP or DNS or both?