Step 10: Lose political office and make a huge deal out of it. Complain of a rigged election, but actually be happy about results and get into lobbying?
*All companies
Privatized gains & Socialized losses baby!
Wow no way! That dude definitely looks 10-15 years older. I thought he was mid 40s.
He’s mad he has to get tested for his sentencing trial and won’t do it unless Joe does it too!
I could totally see Tesla reincorporation in Texas and then the board putting another pay package up for a vote out of spite.
He did just have a fund raiser in SF with some billionaire crypto bros…so he may not have
That was totally just a joke! So out of context!
The resolution would have repealed the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Staff Accounting Bulletin 121, which sought to force financial institutions that are holding crypto to keep the digital assets on their own balance sheets, as Coindesk recently explained.
Can someone explain why they are so upset at this?
I agree that’s his shtick but his base votes more with emotion and bad things are easier to sell to them than good things.
Yeah, but unfortunately with how charged everything is if he gets anything he will claim political persecution and try to be a martyr ( his campaign has claimed they already raised 55m since the conviction). It’s why I think he didn’t get really anything bad when he violated the gag order so much.
If your own law clerks have quit on you…you have to be pretty terrible.
This is one of those things you can definitely say both sides do though without second thought.
You know… I’d believe Elon is petty enough to actually put something like that in.
This will be the second time Fisker is going to declare bankruptcy.
I agree I mean how many times in the past couple of years have large sites or services gone down because an update was pushed through. Most recently I can think of teams going down earlier this year.
Should be protocols put into place for cars that need to be followed for a software update.
Or you get a sponsored store result in the first 5 no where near you.
It was rich listening to Mitch McConnell speak about precedent after he helped pack the court.
It’s helping erase most of the home insurance policies be written in the state. A lot more people are going to start to be priced out due to drastic increases to insurance prices.
I’d love to have campaign ads with trump talking about how much Obama golfed while in office and then compare it to how much trump golfed.
They are doing a project in Vegas to do a loop, but it only holds Tesla’s… So maybe close?