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  • 48 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldBiden Must Resign
    3 days ago

    Edit: grammer and format, improved a bit

    The Republican or Republican-lite candidates would never give up their power to help the working class unless they were forced to.

    Be it Trump or Biden, they will continue to fight for more endless wars, where the working class is sent to die for owner-class profits.

    The American right has spent every day since Biden was nominated in 2020 presenting him as an incompetent, doddering old fool, incapable of discharging the responsibilities of the office. Biden’s task at the first presidential debate, on Thursday, was to dismiss those allegations as mere smears, as he did in 2020. Instead, he confirmed that he has aged dramatically over the past four years. Biden was very old to begin with, and at the debate he appeared far more visibly diminished than he has in the past.

    The left has been telling the Republican-lites since the beginning; that is why there was a push for other Republican-lite candidates in the primary.

    The earlier Biden resigns, the faster the Democratic Party can move to reunite behind the new nominee and concentrate its efforts on keeping Trump from returning to the White House. Harris would become the party’s presumptive nominee, enjoying the prestige and advantages of incumbency. She is also the only candidate who can legally access the financial war chest the Biden campaign has amassed. As Brian Beutler writes, “it’s impossible to identify the most prudent path forward with certainty.” There is no clear way to know if Harris is a politically riskier option than Biden. But if Biden’s mental state is as bad as it appeared at the debate, then there is no other choice.

    Harris seems to be much worse in polling than 2016 Hillary Clinton…

    Some Democrats fear the prospect of a Harris candidacy—perhaps even enough to wish for Biden to hang on until the election, despite the dangers. They worry that she will only exacerbate the appeal of Trump’s implicit promise to restore racial and gender hierarchies. Indeed, Trump’s brain trust designed his 2016 campaign around the belief that the recent Republican nominees John McCain and Mitt Romney had failed to mobilize demoralized white voters because they had not been overtly racist enough, and that the path to victory lay through deliberate racial polarization.

    But the simple fact remains that if one believes Biden cannot campaign or debate successfully, then he cannot run the country presently. The Constitution contemplates a scenario in which someone would need to take the place of a president who is so diminished, and that someone is the vice president. Biden should step aside from both the campaign and the presidency, and allow Harris to take her best shot at saving the country from those who would destroy it.

  • Trump has attempted to muddy the waters by characterizing RFK Jr. as a “Democrat plant” and “a radical left liberal.” No one should be fooled by this desperate attempt to define RFK Jr. as a liberal, or even a Democrat. His policy stances read more like a resume to be Trump’s running mate. He and third-party candidate, Jill Stein, are parroting views right out of the MAGA/Vladimir Putin playbook and yet, perhaps counterintuitively, they risk dividing the anti-Trump coalition and putting a convicted felon back in power.

    Neither third-party candidate has any chance of winning the presidency. But, for a moment, let’s put aside their lack of a path to 270 electoral votes and talk about their agendas.

    Jason Call, Green Party Campaign Manager for JillStein2024, pushes back on this article:


    Corporate media just lies and lies and lies…

    @DrJillStein currently is on enough ballots to potentially win 279 electoral college votes

    Yet Salon says neither she nor Kennedy have a pathway to 270

    Lies and lies and lies

  • Edit: word, Fiance->Finance

    Wow, reminds me of the US data on ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’, it seems pretty similar.

    Post: Struggling consumers use buy now, pay later services for everyday necessities — even groceries [ | Community: News | Finance Yahoo]

    My comment where I quote the article and info that I thought should be highlighted:

    In 2023, Russians took out a record-breaking one trillion rubles (approximately $11.2 billion) in payday loans — 30% more than in 2022. Some experts predict that this figure could increase again by as much as 25 percent in 2024. By the end of 2023, the number of Russians using “microfinance organizations” (MFOs) had reached 19.9 million, which is 2.7 million more than in the previous year. And as of the end of the first quarter of 2024, about 32 percent of these loans were overdue.

    Currently, the average monthly income of Russians applying for payday loans is 50,000 rubles, or about $562, while the average size of these loans is 9,990 rubles ($112). In general, Russians turn to payday loans to purchase food and clothing as well as to pay off older loans, economist Nikolai Kulbak told Holod. Most people who use payday loans in Russia use them more than once: in 2023, about 83.4 percent of payday loan recipients were repeat customers.

    Kulbak told Holod he also expects to see a continued rise in the number of payday loans being issued in Russia. “Banks used to give loans even to clients who were already devoting most of their income to paying off existing loans; now they’re increasingly refusing people,” he said, adding that he expects the trend to persist for the next six months since inflation does not seem to be slowing down. “The fewer loans banks approve, the more people turn to MFOs. Ultimately, this leads to an increase in bankruptcies,” said the economist.

    In addition to the traditional personal bankruptcy process, Russian law allows certain categories of the population, such as pensioners, to go through a simplified, out-of-court bankruptcy process. More than 12,000 people initiated this process in the first quarter of 2024 — more than five times the number of people who did so in the same period the previous year. The number of judicial bankruptcies rose by 18.2 percent to 89,800 over the same period.

  • Some see the Democrats as Republican-lites, that includes all that help them keep their power and follow the status quo.

    You are just restating smears and status quo talking points, for people that call out the status quo, Jimmy Dore is also labeled far left and far right…

    Biden and most Dems suck, but Trump sucks more.

    They do not just ‘suck’ they are genocide enablers and do much more, I suggest to watch or read independent journalists and commentators, so as to see what non status quo people think of them.

    The two-party system is a bad joke on the American people; when it comes to Republicans and Democrats remember they are two sides of the same coin. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil and not an answer to our problems. A vote for a Republican or a Democrat will not fix anything and is a wasted vote. - Aaron Russo

  • A blowout wouldn’t look like the landslide reelection of President Ronald Reagan over Democrat Walter Mondale in 1984. But it could mean Trump winning more Electoral College votes than expected by flipping most if not all of the states Biden won in 2020 — and even expanding the map by turning some unexpected states, like Minnesota or Virginia, red.

    Emerson College Polling/The Hill surveys from April and a Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll last month both had Trump leading Biden in seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Biden won each of those states except for North Carolina in 2020 en route to 306 electoral votes.

    Candidates need 270 electoral votes to win. Biden won in 2020 with 306; Trump won in 2016 with 304; former President Obama won in 2012 with 332 and in 2008 with 365, winning states like Indiana, Iowa, North Carolina, Florida and Ohio in the process.

    In a Quinnipiac survey before the verdict, 6 percent of Trump voters said they’d be less likely to vote for the former president if he was convicted.

    A YouGov poll taken after the verdict found that 27 percent of independent voters were less likely to vote for Trump — but 21 percent were made more likely.

    An ABC News/Ipsos poll found 50 percent of Americans thought Trump’s guilty verdict was correct, and 49 percent said he should end his presidential campaign as a result.

    A presidential forecast model from The Hill/Decision Desk HQ currently predicts Trump has a 56 percent chance of winning the election, and national polling averages put the former president up by around 1 point.

    At the same time, wars in Gaza and Ukraine are showing no end in sight, and developments on the international stage could roil things for Biden in the coming months.