Wym upvoting that response would make it better not shittier
Wym upvoting that response would make it better not shittier
Guess i’m not a hacker then 😞
- Guitar Solo
Hey don’t slutshame, let’s keep this a hotplug-positive community
As someone still laying in bed, scrolling Lemmy instead of doing chores
Please don’t pull it out, it’s a load-bearing fork
A billion of those and you’re still not even close to paying off that fine
A pile of money on fire
And then Apple refusing to repair it due to “water damage”
I don’t like all the new rules
I’m sticking to math 3.5, the best edition
American students every couple weeks
They arrived just in time to see a bunch of farmers turned terrorist, burning down a church.
They heroically rushed in to defeat the terrorists and save as many women and valuables as they could from the burning structures
Don’t believe what the media tells you, they’re actually heroes!
Reistace is futile
carcinisation is inevitable
give up
give in
we are crab 🦀
Notepad running through wine
I have more than once typed shutdown instead of reboot when working on a remote machine… always fun
But i have to have my monitor on max brightness else i can’t see anything due to my dark theme!
God damn they beat me to it, and you beat me to tell them they beat me to it
The camera app and spreadsheet app? Because that’s what i would’ve guessed they were based on the icons
It’s serverless, not servernone
Sure they have a lot of money and income, but they have a lot of expenses too you know!
Like paying the continuous stream of victims of sexual assault since those pious clergymembers can’t seem to stop raping children
There’s like a button on top of the video or next to it i’m not aure, but aometimes you click on a video and youhappen to hit that button instead,
Youtube opens some faq page, if you click to go back, the front page has now been refreshed and the video is gone never to be seen again