idkmybffjoeysteel [he/him]

Everybody jealous of my 100 house plants

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2023


  • No worries, I too used to appreciate the EU back when it meant freedom of movement for myself. Even today, they do good things that I wish we had in my country, like forcing Apple to adopt new standards, but they also do things which are kind of shitty and make them a force for bad, in the same manner as the IMF and World Bank. Something especially bad which they have done is to impose austerity upon Greece for example and handicap their recovery from the 2008 financial crisis in order to protect German banks, which is something you can learn more about from former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis’ book on the subject “and the weak suffer what they must”. This is the book that helped me to understand why socialists are not generally very fond of the EU and its predecessor organisations.

    I’m giving you a lot of book recommendations but not telling you where to find them. If you like, you can download Tor Browser and get them for free from

  • Well, that’s the thing, there is a single party, but this does not mean China is not a democracy. Their government is far more responsive to protests and popular demands, and the Chinese Communist Party is made up from millions of people who get a say from the local level upwards. People are actively involved in designing policy. Contrast this to the US and UK, for instance, where the voices of the general public are drowned out and ignored, and elections are won by appealing to the interests of big businesses and foreign donors. In the UK right now we have a government which is completely beholden to business interests, and a Labour party which has repeatedly purged its socialist elements under the guise of combating anti-semitism. It would be less antagonising if they admitted what they were really all about, which is crushing the working class. We even have a monarchy and state sponsored propaganda to prop them up.

  • I wonder how you seemingly acknowledge some realities yet still say the things that you do. It feels like you are being pedantic, maybe? It is hard to put my finger on. It is just strange to buy in to the dialogue which is 100% being pushed by all mainstream media about a Chinese invasion, the danger presented by China, etc., and yet you have shown you know all these issues could be avoided simply by not having a shit government that values profit and capital accumulation over nurturing domestic industries.

    It is really worrisome to people like me, because if you buy into the current narrative, that makes me think you would probably support the US military encirclment of China, and the arbitrary tariffs which are not designed to benefit anyone, only to punish China.

    We are in a world today with the war in Ukraine and the destruction of the Nord stream pipeline, where there is a lot of evidence that the US hegemony is only interested in handicapping Europe and strangling its enemies in Russia, China, The Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, as it has done for a century already, and this is why you are getting such a hostile reaction here, because even if you don’t support the current regime, you really strongly sound like you do. It’s puzzling. You say something we think is stupid, we come back to you, and you say yeah yeah I know all that, I agree, you’re right, nevertheless. I am not sure what to make of you. Do give the book a read though, or try some lectures on YouTube, Parenti is very entertaining and easy to get into, and I get the vibe you would like him, even if you are not all the way there yet. His stuff is especially good as even though most of it is now 20 years or more out of date, he still exactly describes the current state of affairs.