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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • While money doesn’t but happiness the absence of money surely makes happiness almost impossible with how much you always have to worry about different stuff…

    I’m very thankful to be in a position where I don’t have to worry about which supermarket has the cheapest groceries as I know I can afford it if it’s 10% more expensive than it needs to be - seeing my mom spending hours going through ad-magazines to figure out where to buy what only to save a handful of euros is something I’m very glad I don’t have to do

  • The most basic difference between “left” and “right” on the political spectrum is that left-leaning people believe every human is worth the same and should get the same chances while right wing people believe humans are fundamentally different and the ones on the top deserve their place as much as the ones on the bottom.

    That’s also why so many libertarians (or just recently proclaimed anarcho capitalists) are actually right-wing since they believe in unequal distribution of chances and quality of life based on capitalist principles and it’s also why moderates that claim to be neither right nor left usually lean more right

  • And it’s not just the salary for the representatives but they all also have a state-paid office and staff - so yeah…

    There have recently been reforms to make the districts bigger to get less direct representation in total resulting in a smaller size overall.

    I’d expect that especially with a 2-party system it’s not as bad as you calculated though since the worst problem here is that a local party from Bavaria is winning almost all the direct representation spots there but gets way less votes in total in Germany which results to every other party sending way more people than they would need

  • Liberals are always the first to fall in line with fascists - the first regional governments of the Nazis in Germany was supported by libertarians and pro-economy-parties, a couple of years ago. 3 years ago the Neo-Liberal party in Thuringia accepted to govern as a minority-government when the only party supporting them was the far-right AfD with a leader that you can legally call a fascist and that is under surveillance by the Verfassungsschutz for being a danger to democracy.

    The CDU (moderate-conservative party) in Germany also won’t work with either the left party nor the AfD but their local politicians are already getting very close with the AfD.

    If someone’s claiming “both sides” in a political issue that’s usually a sign that they won’t oppose the fascists when they try to grab the power

  • I read that that might lead to an extremely short time until the budget has to be done by the new government though which might lead to the president dissolving the parliament in the worst case? Or is that just fearmongering?

    As a bonus PiS has more time to cover their tracks and destroy documents and just cause as much damage to the system as they can.

    They are fully aware that the structures they built against the opposition can now be used against them and it will be very interesting to see how much the new government will use that power and how much restraint they will show for the sake of doing the right thing