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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Stop being friends with the enemy, call out bitch McConnell for the pathetic evil bastard he is instead of saying he is your friend, bam instant 100 million views, say you don’t support israel… bam viral. This shit is easy. Talk about how every republican is a foreign agent aligned with our enemy russia, booom… viral. Shotgun a bud light for Trans rights boom viral. Fucking have a heart attack and die… boom viral. Get a infectious disease boom viral. I could go all day. Or just hear me out Pokémon go to the polls.

  • If you have a bloated program that sucks up all your ram on unnecessary processes because it was poorly developed your computer would care and especially if you go to scale, a billionaire costs more and takes more computing power than a finely tuned family living off of 40000 a year because the billionaire wastes everything since it means nothing but that family makes sure every Lil bit is used to its fullest. Billionaires break the computer