Smarter maybe, but wiser?
Smarter maybe, but wiser?
Yeah, for real, “Someone will 100%, do you want it to be your friends/family/people you know or some absolute random stranger?” Some lemmitors would surely answer “My people, for sure”
Ok, you just downvote and say no, but no explanation given. In my gov several cases of corruption arised during the last couple of years, and way more in the past. They affect high ranking ministers, and yet the oresident does not resign. Same with companies, they get paid the most, do the least, claim it is vecause they have “lots of responsabilities” but still never pay the price
Nah, it’s a bit like government. Its only his responsability if it is no one elses responsability. Like, they can have the most corrupt gabinets, most presidents do not resign/abdicate, whatever the word is.
In vim, in normal mode you can do: :w !sudo tee %
Sure, sure, was not desagreeing, technically you are using ChatGPT. Just pointing out that the model itself handling the image creation is not chatgpt
Yeah, but the model that does the images is actually Dall-e, you are just using gpt’s interface to create them
Machine learning IS AI. Seriously guys, you can hate it as much as you want (and calling LLMs autocomplete is quite reductive), but Machine learning is a subfield of AI.
I see this opinion parroted a lot around here, word by word, so I guess is the new popular opinion, but still… it is a fact that it’s AI.
That said, bit moronic to try an use them for military decision making, sure, at least nowadays.
So lomg as you back it up and it does not have multiple write transactions concurrently, swlite works pretty fine even fornbig loads.
Your opinion, not a fact. Most art is as derivative or more than AI art.
Stuff lile public domain books, I guess, like alice in wonderland, and cc0 content
And some day 1 games lile starfield.
Os use casaos, tippi, cosmos, or any of the free alternatives that don’t absolutely leech you and work just as well with minimal config
It can create new art styles. If for example puntillismo (no idea how it’s written in English, sorry, a painting made of small little dots) didn’t exist, you could tell the AI to do do a painting of an old lady at the beach, the picture painted using small little dots, and with sufficient prompt engineering, you would pretty much create puntillismo.
Most real people do not have their own, completely unique style. They inspire from previous work by other people, in cases like magic or commissioned work get a prompt of what they need to create, etc
Pretty similar if you ask me. Sorry I cant expand more, gotta get to work.
Funny thing is, human artists work quite similar to AI, in that they take the whole of human art creation, build on ot and create something new (sometimes quite derivative). No art comes out of a vacuum, it builds on previous works. I would not really say AI plagiarizes anything, unless it reproduced pretty much the exact work of someone
Because the incorrect reddit downvoting, where people trest them like s like/dislike system (not the original downvoting, where you would only downvote if something did not contribute to the conversation) was imported to lemmy
You can create a free developer account. They don’t really check you are a developer either.
What if we cannot afford the space of keeping everything backed uo forever? What if it has been a year? Where do we put the limits to “okay, this is stupid” and “this is perfectably reasonable”? What if the action cannot be reversed, and after deletion you need to anonimyze particularly sensitive data?
I say to all that, READ THE FUCKING MANUAL. If you are not apt enough to read and research about the software, you are not apt enough to use it.
Same with hardware. You cut your finger because you didnt follow instructions clearly laid out for you not to cut your finger when using a saw? Maybe sawing was not for you mate
Well, that’s true, but the hormones of a 15 year old impair their wisdom. Unless there is significant cognitive deterioration a 70 year old would have no problem with that.
And, I’d bet on average the 70 year old has more weslth, breadth and length of experience. Pulling it 100% out of my ass though, no data to back it up.