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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • The only people who are stupider are undecided or non-voters.

    God, tell me about it. I’ve seen so many reactionary takes with what’s going on in Gaza and the US support for it, insisting they’re staying home over it, when if they thought out the problem for like 5 seconds more, they’d realize what absolute children they’re being.

    Not only is not voting going to result in America taking a MORE extreme stance on Gaza, but it also invites endless suffering from this and other extremist positions, that will hurt us, our families, and our loved ones. Real fucking strategery there guys. I really hope I’ll have it in me to rub their faces in the inevitable consequences, but realistically I’ll be too much of a shell to care after seeing everyone I love suffer.

  • The work is moreso on the inverse, making sure it’s not unjust. No matter how you slice it, someone’s going to take issue on the outcome of each ruling.

    What IS easy to quantify is the sheer number of legal scholars and domain experts sounding the alarm that many rulings are inconsistent with previously established law (and in many cases having profound negative consequences on the stability of our society), and that there are frequent conflicts of interest on a huge number of cases (cough cough Thomas).

  • I wouldn’t class agnosticism as cowardly atheism, it’s very much its own class.

    Atheism is the disbelief of gods or enlightened creation.

    Agnosticism is just a “we don’t know” catch-all. There might be an Abrahamic god, with a heaven or hell that follows. There might be connected life and consciousness in the form of pantheism, where our consciousness dissipates and gets absorbed into the rest of existence. We might be living in a simulation, and wake up to a world with an entirely different set of rules and beliefs. Or maybe traditional atheism is right, this is our only existence, and we return to nothingness after death.

    On a tangent, I’m weirded out by staunch atheists in the same way I’m weirded out by organized religion. We’re living subjective experiences of reality fed to us by electrified sacs of meat in our head, and even that could just be the truth on paper given to us by a simulation. We don’t know what we don’t know. We don’t remember what it was like before birth, but a nasty blow to the head could make it so we don’t remember what it was like yesterday. Observable and measurable fact is all we have, and anyone who claims to know what’s behind it or between the lines, or for that matter what isn’t there, is just elaborating on their own worldview, not empirical evidence.