Comrade GitGud

We’re White Liberals!

Just vote for Biden, one more time. Come on, this’ll be the last time, then Trump will be gone and we’ll all dance under a rainbow.

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 7th, 2024


  • I wonder what happens to these people when Trump is no longer running for president? Maybe he wins, maybe he loses, maybe he retires, maybe his age or diet actually catch up with him. What does the #resistance do with their lives after that? Because I doubt it’s “fight for universal health care, economic justice, the liberation of prison slaves, an end to the Gaza genocide, and the environment”. Libs never really cared about any of those things, they were just a convenient vehicle for their next capitalist shill who’s totally not worse than the republican.

  • For starters, the democracy that permits a candidate like Trump to end it is perhaps a democracy worth ending, especially if it’s a democracy that provides so poorly for its people that they genuinely believe he’s worth electing.

    Second, I think it’s hyperbolic. Even with Jan. 6th, he still came nowhere near the coup that mainstream media made it out to be. The people who entered the capitol weren’t hardened rebels or dissidents. There were a few with some means mixed in, but by and large they behaved like tourists, with some acting as vandals, and largely incited (read “entrapped”) and monitored by the FBI. This also isn’t out of character for the FBI, as it had plenty of Muslims they entrapped in the years following 9/11, including one man who was intellectually disabled.

    Third and lastly, obviously the Democratic party doesn’t think this is a big emergency, since they’ve had virtually no reaction to polls indicating Biden’s flailing numbers. If they thought this was an emergency then they might do something like encourage primary candidates or for him to step down. If they’re so confident Trump isn’t getting reelected, then I am too.

  • In all likelihood, Israel already has nukes so that’s pretty much a non-issue. Trump would likely give Israel just as much or more support (the only confounding factor is that he’s extremely cheap but US money isn’t his own money so this may not be a factor), but when a genocide is occurring and both candidates are pursuing a course of complicity, degrees of complicity approach meaninglessness. Your best bet is to reshuffle the deck in order to get a candidate who won’t support genocide. Biden should be primaried, but the DNC functionaries likely won’t permit this in practice (of course in theory the primary will proceed, just without party support or acknowledgement), so the sooner he’s out of office the sooner he can be replaced by someone who might not be comfortable with complicity in a genocide.

  • Part of the problem is the lack of distinction between Zionism and Judaism, and even after that the distinction between forms and levels of Zionism. For instance there’s been a lot of Orthodox Jews in and outside of Israel who protest against this conflict for varying reasons, most on a genuine moral basis though some for more mundane religious reasons. This isn’t even to mention all the Jewish leftists who protest against the conflict as well solely on humanitarian grounds.

    Unfortunately what doesn’t get covered by the Neoliberal and Corporate (read: Moderate Fascist) media is all the suppression of these protests, especially within Israel by the Fascist Likud party-led government. Haaretz will occasionally do some real reporting and cover this kind of stuff from inside Israel but most Israeli left voices are strongly suppressed within Israel itself, and leftist parties are pushed to the margins of the Knesset. Because of this marginalization, the loudest anti-war Jewish voices come from outside Israel itself, where they have no direct influence over it, but at least are less likely to be jailed for their protests.

  • Shouldn’t have let the confederate leadership go on living after the war. Arguments can be made for average soldiers since many were drafted against their wills and/or propagandized into their beliefs, but an example needed to be made of the leaders and it wasn’t.

    “Oh, you want to break away from the country in order to keep slavery going? Well please stand in front of that brick wall over there. Runner-up trophies will be distributed imminently and in an orderly fashion. Here’s your blindfold because we’d like it to be a surprise. Would you like a cigarette while you wait?”