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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • I’m not so sure that the laypeople will, but I do expect a shift. Personally I’m still running Windows 10 next to Linux currently. Most of my time is still spent on Windows, because it’s generally a bit more stable and hassle free due to the Windows monopoly. Software is written for Windows, so sadly it’s usually just a better experience.

    But so many things I read about Win 11 (and beyond) piss me off. It’s my computer, I don’t want them to decide things for me or farm my data. I’m mentally preparing for the transition to Linux-only. 90% of the software I use will work out of the box, and I think with some effort I can get like 8% of the rest to work. It’ll be a lot of effort, but Micro$oft has pushed so far that I’m really starting to consider.

    Multiple friends and colleagues (all programmers) I spoke are feeling the same way. I think Linux may double in full-time desktop users in a few years of this goes on.

  • So they’re just gonna cry that the EU is the cause of all of our problems. It’s Wilders, he always needs someone else to blame. I’m afraid that he’ll try to convince a substantial part of Dutch society that “we need to take back control” from Brussels just like they did in the UK. A lot of people don’t like nuance and complexity, they just want a silver bullet and people like the PVV and BBB promise them that. Let’s pray that NSC and the VVD (lol) have some integrity.

  • Yuppers. I need CUDA for my machine learning projects, both for hobby and professionally. I considered AMD and their alternative at the time, but it wasn’t supported on their consumer cards back then, and I also didn’t fully trust their commitment. It’s getting better though, so hopefully AMD can convince me for my next GPU in a few years.

  • When I was a student I never understood how something like this could happen. “Just rewrite it” I thought, how hard can that be. But working in a corporate environment I now totally understand it. Everything you write will at some point become part of code that, to the fast majority of colleagues, will just be a black box that they’ve never touched and don’t intend to. Despite my urge to test and document everything, I’ve already more than once complained about my own code, only realizing later that I wrote it myself. Often you can still find out what it does, but the “why” gets lost and because of that people are afraid to change it.

  • Do people really constantly copy-paste code? If I don’t know something I’ll look it up, but then I’ll read the answer and apply it to the code I’m writing rather than copying it directly. I rarely see a piece of code that I can copy over directly into what I’m doing, and even if I can it’s usually not thr best idea because the naming etc would be inconsistent