I got oukitel wp19
I got oukitel wp19
Feels like too many phones try to be something special but are afraid to fully commit as fully committing would make the phone look different than your typical phone and often with tradeoffs in other areas. When i got my phone i got it because it has a huge battery(21000mAh) that lasts about 5 days on my regular (quite heavy) use and it is fully waterproof (rated for heated pressure washing and i have tested that it can easily survive being underwater in a hot tub, i also have a habit of sometimes washing the screen with water and soap). The tradeoffs are that it’s built like a brick, weighs half a kilogram and all headphone jacks don’t fit the port because the waterproofing requires the port to be recessed.
That phone just seems like your regular phone with an above average battery
In finnish also same but just replace sun with day. No idea about plumbing though.
Well warm dry moving air is even more effective
I bet it would not be hard to have a simple script stringing together some words you paper-boned carpet-smelling mud eater
In finland they are adjusted by the tap so you can have appropriate temp./pressure.
Most of the time i don’t even know what i want so any food is good
I feel like i am the person and i can confirm it is absolute hell, there is a constant need to have interesting conversations with new people but starting them is basically my worst fear
Not really many mexican immigrants here so mexican food isn’t that big either. mexican food here is something you do at home for weekdays and it is often wheat tortillas with ground beef spiced with a ready made spice packet, salsa from a jar, perhaps also fake quacamole from a jar, cheese, french cream or often a local similar lower fat diary product i don’t know the name of in english, onion tomato and lettuce, sometimes also ketchup. Living in finland in my city there are taco bells(never tried and never will) and like 1 decent mexican restaurant(not authentic mexican but still actually good)
The sandwich was created* by Lord Sandwich in the 18th century when he wanted to gamble and eat at the same time without having his hands dirty
The story sounds a lot like the gary chess meme but it is more true
*well technically by his butler and it is not verifiable if he was the first but at least the name comes from there
I do that often in bars when i want a cocktail and usually the result is nice
Some random no context 6s youtube videowould be funny
Yep on desktop it offers basically nothing if you have an adblock and on mobile you can get everything you want by patching
Imagine getting ticketed for playing your accordion over the speed limit
But it is a heavily commercialized drug backed by tradition and a huge industry
I think its because most of the flattening of the income mainly touches the 99% because the income taxation isn’t that effective for owning people as they often get their money from owning stuff instead of earning a salary
From my understanding the big copyright owners basically have a stranglehold on youtube when negotiating how youtube should handle copyright stuff. The current copyright law was not designed to accommodate platforms such as youtube so if they don’t do as the copyright owners say it could result in a long court battle resulting in a decision that youtube itself is the one violating the law for being the one hosting the non-licensed content on their platform.
Not a lawyer and don’t even live in the US so i might not be the most reliable source on this though.
You know people are allowed to have opinions