I coalesce the vapors of human experience into a viable and meaningful comprehension.…

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I think he’s the perfect example of “clever but not smart.” Genius implies any of what he says or does is intentional - it’s not. But because he’s lived his whole life in privilege and the weird miasma that is the current reality, he’s able to wedge himself into a position where half the country who should despise him loves him instead.

    The reality of Trump appeals to very few but the idea of Trump appeals to many with the awareness to be afraid, but neither the intellect or the courage to understand why - so they’ve latched on to the symbol of him and stick with it to avoid the cognitive dissonance.

  • Good article but I think the thing it misses is those that currently make up “the base” on the right seem to share the commonality of wanting to be conned. The Christian nationalists, the conspiracy theorists, the buyers of whatever snake oil are currently on offer all want easy, unnuanced answers that continue to validate whatever they’re used to. They ignore systemic issues in favor of the fear du jour because solving the real problems strike at their sense of identity and they’re willing to believe literally anything rather than face the issues that really matter. A feedback loop has taken hold of the GOP which just keeps cranking them further and further away from any sort of reasonable ideology and instead replaced it with spurious and unfounded anxieties and fears. The media has constantly exacerbated this because it increases their metrics and ad dollars to sell the side show.

  • It’s not a census year (only on the 10s in the US) and I’ve been involved in politics for more than three decades and the federal census has never been used to remove anyone from the voter rolls anywhere I’ve been. The personal data is not publicly available for 70 years except as anonymized, abstracted data.

    EDIT: I did double-check myself and yeah, the Fed census has no impact on voter rolls. There are some places that do a city/town census - especially in Massachusetts - where you can be marked as “inactive” if you don’t complete a local census. You can still cast a ballot and are still on the rolls, but it will require some assertion that you still live in the same residence. But that’s a pretty limited edge case.