• 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • We don’t think about it a lot, but part of the cost of buying groceries is also the cost of garbage service. Everybody has to pay for the disposal of their own waste. For most households, it is a minimal cost, and it may even be so minimal that it’s rolled into another expense that you don’t even see (included with rent, municipal taxes, etc.).

    For manufacturing, however, it’s a totally different story. Industry produces huge amounts of waste, and often they don’t pay to dispose of it properly. The word “giveaway” is exactly right. We are, paying for their cleanup expenses.

  • It’s true, and probably some of the moralizing that justifies the current situation in the eyes of the right wing. They see it as “taking back” the court and doing the same thing that “left” was already doing.

    The American far right has always had an outsized voice among conservatives, going all the way back to Father Coughlin, who was sympathetic to Hitler and Mussolini. Even mainstream conservatives tended to consider the supreme court more or less immune to political manipulation, with decisions like Roe v Wade to be the exception.

  • It’s easy to forget that there’s a time, a little over a decade ago, when the Supreme Court Justices were considered above reproach. It was the last vestige of trusted governance in the country. It was considered the one arena untouched by political trends and activism, where citizens could face off against corruption and expect true justice. Decisions were made based not in the shifting winds of the day, but in consideration of the next century or the nations needs.

    We have lost something greater than just a political alignment. We have lost trust in the entire State.