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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Yes, it is a complete trainwreck.

    And only 51% of people who voted, around 25% of the population, were in favour so it’s unsurprising that you can find large sections at this point who would be unhappy with the situation. It’s not necessarily Bregret, we didn’t want it in the first place.

    Brexit was a viable approach to addressing NHS financing

    You have to also remember that Brexit was a cross party matter. Tories gonna Tory with their made up numbers, but also the head of the Labour party was pro-Brexit since the unfettered access to the Labour market weakened the unions positions. It was only in the later stages that he rather weakly positioned himself as pro-EU because better a weakened position with the EU than a weakened position without the EU to back you up if you have a Tory government.

    sensible healthcare policy

    NHS gutting is due to austerity and unregulated privatisation rather than Brexit. I’m not aware of anyone who believed the Boris bus, mostly because I don’t know of anyone who believed a word of what he said. Conservatives who did vote Boris mostly appear to have liked the way he “owned the libs”.

    If labor costs increase that may lead to automation to taking the place of migrants

    Maybe. But only if you take a single point and follow it exponentially without implementing anything else.

    The pound is vastly overvalued and needs to be brought down. That would improve exports and the value of the work, potentially allowing people to do these jobs without it requiring them to live in poverty. Also, perhaps these aren’t jobs that should exist at this point? We also don’t have people lighting the lamps in London, and pressing the bellows by hand in the steam ships. I don’t think it’ll come to that because I’ve seen the automation available for soft fruit harvesting, and there are limited situations where they are suitable.

    Not that any of this matters as none of the parties have taken away any lessons from this mess, so I don’t really see how Britain will be able to recover for a generation.

    Sorry, but I just get offended when people call us stupid. A lot of us didn’t want this, FPTP means that over the past decade we’ve had major Conservative control even though the majority of voters didn’t want them. Hopefully you can understand that a lot of us are stuck with a situation that we didn’t want. Hopefully if we can be a bit more empathetic to the reasons people made poor decisions in the past, we can help offer better choices in the future.

  • If any Britons wanted to work for the wages that immigrants take home, those low-paying jobs would be theirs immediately.

    That’s a terrible framing of the situation. The opinion (rightly or wrongly) is that cheap labour from poorer countries sets the expectations for employment costs.

    These workers will come for a season and live in horrific conditions with the expectation that although it’s low pay for Britain, its higher than the home country and they will take the cash out of the economy.

    Brexit was a sledgehammer approach for people to say “no jobs should pay so low that you have to live a subsistence existence.”

    Now whether it’s because farmers pay too low due to the supermarket purchase chain forcing the situation, cost of living is far too high or a mix of both, the fact of the matter is just saying “tHoSe LoW pAyInG jObS cOuLd Be ThEiRs” make you sound stupid.

    There are a lot of problems with the British economy and even with the elections coming up, the opposition are not coming up with very good suggestions on how to improve the situation.

  • But are they all moving back to California?

    Last I heard was most are going to Nashville which has absolutely terrible traffic and infrastructure, soaring land costs and pushing 100 degrees, arming teachers, arresting folks for DUI even if you’ve not had a drink. Weather has absolutely nothing to do with any of the decisions because the CEOs don’t go to the office. It’s all about the latest city tax break.

    It’s weird that people are talking this up like anything Texas has done would cause this. The people in charge don’t give a shit about you, they don’t give a shit about you living in 110 degrees weather, and they certainly don’t give a shit if you die because of a pregnancy complication.

  • Amethyst works okay.

    It definitely fixes a bunch of things like being able to move windows between desktops by keyboard shortcuts.

    But all other OS’ support that out the box.

    Plus, you don’t need any abstraction or local VM to scp local files.

    I don’t need that on my Fedora laptop either.

    The OS clipboard keys are different than the terminal control sequences.

    Probably the only thing that is beneficial.