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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I thought I was a boomer. now I’m a child? if you’re going to resort to derogatory assumptions at least get your story straight.

    I was never talking about primaries. the post and my entire issue is with trump vs Biden. you’re the one who decided to randomly bring primaries into that topic for no apparent reason.

    I guess I could try to derail this by talking about how congress is toothless. but that would make me sound like a confused dufus.

  • no progressive use that term. you’re being intentionally disingenuous and it’s obvious to anyone.

    any reasonable progressive doesn’t like America’s support of Israel right now but we are all very aware that drump would be worse in all of the ways. so your attitude is pointless and clearly just unnecessary agitation.

    I see your username making dumb and controversial comments all the time. high time I block your trolling ass.