Mentally ill woman in her late 30s. Quit my jobs with DIDDs to go to work a retail job and go to school.

I’m here to help!


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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 5th, 2024


  • Perfectly said. You speak my experience, here in the US.

    I feel like we’ve been taken hostage, forced to watch atrocities, and made powerless to stop them. I remember being outright mocked by my adults when I tried to do the least thing to change it all. I thought by the time I was an adult, I could do something… but those same adults are still alive. They’re still mocking me.

    A snapshot; when I was in high school, I watched No Child Left Behind pass. I wasn’t old enough to vote. I knew how fucked every single student would be who came after me. I talked about it with my classmates! Not one had anything positive to say about it! I called my representatives. No one listened. They told me to grow up and change it myself, then stood in my way when I tried.

    I hate knowing that the dread over it all and the soul-crushing inability to change anything is still going to be preferable to trying to survive what’s coming. It only makes me feel more guilty.

  • If you were genuinely trying to get answers to “why isn’t the president begging for votes” you would’ve answered me when I asked what the hell that means. You proved it’s not your genuine priority by trying to get me to defend a point someone else was making instead.

    Get outta here with that Crowder bullshit. If you’re asking questions and you want answers you’ll be happy to explain your position, not point at someone else and try and change the topic at the first opportunity. And assuming, generously, that that was a mistake, you wouldn’t have doubled down on “well answer my rhetorical that I refuse to define for you first or you’re just proving you can’t debate me!”

    All of the time I spent typing this was on the very, very, very slim chance you mean well but are an ineffective communicator. Since that’s statistically unlikely, feel free to reply however you like. I have no interest in continuing with you further.