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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The article: “a bunch of us are worried about the potential rise of fascism in the United States, so we’re moving to Italy

    Tell me that you are oblivious to international politics without literally telling me that you are oblivious to international politics.

    More to the point, if Americans were the type to “flee in droves,” left-wingers would have left states like Texas and Florida en-masse for bluer pastures. Moving within the United States is a million times easier than moving overseas, and if they’re not doing the former in the face of fascism/degradation of human rights in red states, why on earth would they engage in the much more difficult latter? Definitely sounds like a case of taking anecdote and non-committal musings online too seriously.

  • From the conversations I’ve had with friends and family in conservative areas (along with my own experiences), people want to believe that most people around them are decent folks who can be reasoned with or perhaps have different values but are still good folks at heart. I think that’s partially because it’s easy to see the “good” in people when you live in a homogenous or segregated community because there aren’t as many opportunities for people to show their ugly sides to the “out-group”, but it’s also because it’s terrifying to acknowledge that your community is compromised of hateful, bigoted, xenophobic, ignorant, and/or selfish individuals. It’s like approaching a member of the KKK or a neo-Nazi and thinking you can have a respectful conversation: plenty of “bad” people can become “good” people (thinking of the Black dude who befriended a bunch of KKK members), but you have to go into it with a completely different mindset and strategy.