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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • That is not a level of power I officially possess, but it is a level of power that I am able to unofficially implement for the people who solely report to me. I am also able to tailor their roles and responsibilities to whatever causes them the least pain because their job titles are extremely non-specific, which is very helpful for both of us.

    Both manager and non-managers are economically coerced into providing our time and energy. I try my best to reduce that burden for as many people as I can without being noticed by the people who are willing to suck the life out of others for personal gain.

  • Hobbies indicate interest and aptitude. Someone who collects things might enjoy jobs and tasks related to organisation but not necessarily enjoy highly collaborative work that requires many meetings, whereas someone who enjoys team sports might enjoy the more collaborative social meeting type work instead of solo detailed organisation etc.

    It is far from the first thing I would use as a hiring choice, but it does give me an idea of questions I might ask someone to figure out what would make them happiest.

  • Egregious has been escalating at the Supreme Court, in my opinion they’ve been testing the waters to see what the American public will tolerate.

    • Roe v Wade overturn showed that Americans will tolerate the removal of rights for half the population
    • the fake web designer who pretended to refuse service to LGBT+ decision showed they are willing to engage with dishonest hypothetical situations and the people will tolerate it
    • the affirmative action decision showed that when marginalised communities are further institutionally marginalised, there will be little backlash

    They’ve been steadily entrenching conservative power. Sotomayor has been warning everyone for years, but when one of the sitting judges publicly says that a decision is “unjustified exercise of power,” and the President says the court isn’t making good decisions, shit is not going well and it doesn’t give me much hope.

  • The insurrectionist ban is only for people who participated in the civil war

    My guess is this one or close to it. It’s going to be an originalist interpretation of something like the definition of “insurrectionist” or “armed” and include a phrase like “the founding fathers didn’t envision…”. The reasoning might be some bad esoteric case law from the 1800’s that defines insurrectionists as carrying literal muskets and pitchforks therefore Trump is not one.

    That and they may just stall for time until after the election and claim they couldn’t interrupt the democratic process term limits. Either way, Trump’s chosen judges are about to have their decisive moment.

    My hope is that they just ban him because he no longer has leverage after appointing them, but I am not sure if that would be an even worse indictment of their suitability as Supreme Court judges…

  • For sure. Which is one reason I expect house arrest is so likely. All it takes is for one of the major multiglobals to be in some scheme that the government has decided to crack down on, and there’s your leverage in sentencing negotiation. It’s why I’ve given up on the concept of rich people going to prison, there’s always another fish they can offer up for frying, because billionaire social circles are tiny.

  • Fair point, but maybe he’s another one of these people who will get special considerations for information about larger companies that a government needs for evidence.

    Who knows? I ought to stop cynically speculating, but the world is making it hard not to.

    I do hope he’s another Shkreli though, who annoyed the old money boomers with his ostentatious nouveau riche antics enough to become their poster-manchild for their “See? Bad things do (sometimes) happen to bad rich people!” campaigns.

  • This is ridiculously hard, I have spent hours searching. Much of what you can find is either greenwashed, or doesn’t touch social issues like sourcing.

    In the end, (beyond thrifting, as noted), the most success I’ve found is with small-time social enterprises and/or B-Corps, and through them i found out which (if any) certifying bodies exist who audit transparency were around and not just a bought certificate.

    I was looking local to Australia and found the Social Traders, but the global body is SEWF and WTFO who can point you in a good direction for your locality.

    Having said that, I’m at the point where I’m just considering finding ethical fabric, because I’m both too picky and have unusual adaptive requirements to accommodate.

  • For sure. It just amuses me that someone can find the shittiest possible ways to argue for the right outcome, and that the media can just overlook the shitty parts because they (rightly) agree with that outcome.

    I think it’s also worth noting the phrasing is very deliberate - he reportedly has political aspirations and existing beef with the Senator, so he’s appealing to his potential base too. He mentions Sharia later at least once more and makes sure to let people know he thinks kids should be reading Bibles with their family. It’s all filthy and deliberate politics, and it’s clearly the right thing to do, bizarrely twisted into… this.

  • Lol, he didn’t just imply it, he outright went there in a press conference:

    "Today, Oklahomans are being compelled to fund Catholicism. Because of the legal precedent created by the Board’s actions, tomorrow we may be forced to fund radical Muslim teachings like Sharia law. In fact, Governor Stitt has already indicated that he would welcome a Muslim charter school funded by our tax dollars. That is a gross violation of our religious liberty. As the defender of Oklahoma’s religious freedoms, I am prepared to litigate this issue to the United States Supreme Court if that’s what is required to protect our Constitutional rights.” - Press release

    The broken analog clock is still right twice a day?