Oh please. Warrants are rubber stamped, it’s as simple as clicking a button. And do you really think entities like the NSA bother with formalities like warrants?
Oh please. Warrants are rubber stamped, it’s as simple as clicking a button. And do you really think entities like the NSA bother with formalities like warrants?
as Chinese law allows government access to company-held data.
… Kind of exactly like how US law allows government access to company-held data?
But-but I was told Apple’s security was the very best! That’s why they charge so much for everything they make, right? … Right?
I am.
2nd and 13th are all they care about.
You have a very interesting way of ascribing motive here. You say I lack imagination, I say you have an excess of imagination.
So you’re gonna skip over the part where I was right and you were plainly wrong?
If I were to suggest an actually productive solution with a $10k budget, my comment would be removed and I’d be on a list. We both know what that means.
Please show me where OP asked for ways to “immediately reduce their carbon footprint.”
That is not what was requested in the post title. “Carbon Footprint” is a piece of propaganda perpetuated by the biggest industry offenders to shift blame to the individual and distract from their own massively disproportionate contribution to climate change.
Yeah that should offset the massive pollution from global industry right? I feel that the shift of responsibility to the individual is a distraction.
Do you believe that the affiliate scam only started when PayPal acquired Honey?
Gonna quit weed. Cold turkey. If I don’t have control over my consumption now, I think that’s a sign I need to stop until I do have that ability again, if ever.
Are the Feds actually this smooth-brained? I mean, I know they have to maintain the appearance of control, so his words make sense from that perspective. But surely they have to be aware, the very backdoors they originally forced down our throats are EXACTLY WHAT’S CAUSING THIS PROBLEM NOW. These geniuses who purportedly protect American citizens, are either woefully inept, lacking basic understanding of how data security actually works, or LYING with malice. Which do you think it is?
Content filters! I’ve got them for Trump, Elon, “Slammed”, “Dragged”, “Blasted” and the question mark, because news headlines in the form of questions can almost always be answered with the word “no” and are not worth my time.
Obviously, don’t upload any photos to the demo site that you wouldn’t want shared. That’s pretty basic internet 101. The point is to demonstrate the amount and types of information Google infers from its users’ data. So feed it a pic you don’t care about, or try with the supplied images.
Best part? The description supplied here is probably a limited version of all the information that Google infers from each of your photographs. It would make sense to ask for a short 3 paragraph summary of key observations to fit within API limits. On Google’s end? No reason for such limits to exist. So they infer even more from your data than this website can show. And they run this kind of compute on everything you give them.
They “claim” that they don’t sell or share this data. Do you trust them?
You might say you have nothing to hide, but you also don’t get to control the shifting definitions of what’s acceptable. Today you’re fine. Tomorrow you’re labeled a political dissident because of the evidence of Wrongthink that Google happily supplied to the government without your knowledge. Especially in light of the incoming administration, this is an important discussion to have.
Here is a list of FOSS Google Photos alternatives. Immich looks particularly good to me.
You think Microsoft doesn’t give a direct uplink to America’s thought police?
Paid version does both access the web and cite its sources
May beISFixed that for ya